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  1. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    yeah ill probably do some upgrades to my next setup. wouldnt mind adding some vertical t5 in each corner. then instead of cfl iwant a t5 shop light fixture on top. just to make it a step up from the ghetto box that it is now.
  2. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    Update week 7-9 Waiting for te haze to produce seed. Calyxes look pretty swolen. Not quite there yet
  3. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    Well. Haze dried out a bit quicker than I would like. Time to start the cure.
  4. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    im guessing 2-3g for the top half. think i harvested a week early. at least i have 3.5 more plants. they have 2 weeks. big momma might take a bit longer. omega 2 is fat as fuc compared to the haze.
  5. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    yeah i want to cure for at least a good week just to bring out some flavor. i tried some trim this morning. nice uplift but it ends too soon. should have waited another week. oh well its a freebie. live and learn.
  6. kotaburnz

    need some advice plz

    for cfl there are 2 numbers that are important. Kelvin (K) rating. K determines your light spectrum or "color" of light. then we need to look at watts (W). make sure it says true watts. not equivalent watts. the higher the wattage the higher the yield. every cfl will display both K rating and...
  7. kotaburnz

    need some advice plz

    the red spectrum has more photosynthetically active radiation per watt though. so if you needed, you could use red spectrum for the entire grow. i used 2700k cfl for veg and flower. just my 2 cents
  8. kotaburnz

    need some advice plz

    yeah man. leds are great. you want leds with 630 nanometer wavelength (RED) for flower and 400nm ish for veg (BLUE). most come with more than 1 light spectrum though. as for cfl you can use 5000-6000k for veg and 2700-3000k for flower. youre gonna want at least 60 watts of light in order to make...
  9. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    [QUOTI ="demonhaze, post: 10647094, member: 493156"]Hmm I thought they still had some swelling to do. Well congrats. I bet that is gonna taste awesome. Nice job Yeah I wanted to wait a bit more but I saw amber so I decided not to wait. I wasn't expecting much from the Haze anyway. I also want...
  10. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    I was checking out the Haze last night and it was already showing amber trichs. I harvested the top half of the plant. I'm lettingthe lower half develop more because i pollinated the lower bud sites. It's not much but it sure does look nice. I just like that it hasn't been handled by everyone...
  11. kotaburnz

    impeach obama petition

    Idk man. I think they would do that last so it's abrupt. Like as soon as the war starts. Causing mass hysteria because people can't function without Internet. Just my thoughts.
  12. kotaburnz

    66w stealth micro

    Week 6-8 Haze Omega3 Omega2omega1bigmomma I'm pretty stoked to have my first harvest. Knock on wood. Haha. There's always room for error I suppose.
  13. kotaburnz

    impeach obama petition

    my guess would be 2016. the end of obamas term and the beginning of his reign of terror! MUAHAHA!!!
  14. kotaburnz

    impeach obama petition

    :bigjoint: well civilians are growing restless. the disarmament is getting closer to its final phase. obama has pissed off just about everyone. the FDA is now issuing assult weapons to select employees. police are militarizing. im seeing a trend. take our weapons, limit food supply, take away...
  15. kotaburnz

    DA opens dispensary

    Haha. Yeah be seems like a giant douche. A giant douche with well thought out and relevant info. I'm not sure who's side he's on. Is he using scare tactics to breed fear or trying to empower the minds of the people. Who knows
  16. kotaburnz

    impeach obama petition

    Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public. Such incidents may occur after a coup d'état (an illegal seizure of government) or civil unrest; when threatened by popular protest. Martial law supersedes judicial, executive and legeslative bodies. Just saying
  17. kotaburnz

    DA opens dispensary

    Ill 1 up you. Epidermal RFID implants. Fuck that shit.
  18. kotaburnz

    DA opens dispensary

    Google infowars private prison. First link
  19. kotaburnz

    DA opens dispensary
  20. kotaburnz

    DA opens dispensary

    Just like the federally funded "private" prisons. Soon all inmates will have yellow tags on their ears like cattle. Moooo. Trading prisoners for money. Mandatory minimum sentences for all offenses. Prisoners are just another long term investment for these assholes.