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  1. C

    AAharrr me hearties!

    Why thanks! That was from a good few years ago, not doing anything on that scale these days although I've just fired up a 3 light job which I'll be posting pics of soon. My favorite strains are blueberry crosses, chronic, critical and diesel although I've just been persuaded to try out some next...
  2. C

    AAharrr me hearties!

    If memory serves that was blueberry X haze, took ages to flower but was a pretty damn fine smoke.....
  3. C

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I combine 2 hobbies and use my riverine fishtank (28 degrees C, Ph 6.5 constant) waste water as the base for feeding the plants. I reduce the given dosage of the fert by about 5 - 10% and give them it while the water's still warm. I maintain it improves the flavour and makes my girls absorb the...
  4. C

    AAharrr me hearties!

    Well, this seems to be the place to say hi, I've been growing for 18 years, sometimes on a big scale sometimes jus' fer fun and will be posting some of my past efforts here. I live in Spain, about 5 mins from the med with a climate like southern california but with sea temperatures that can...