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  1. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    I watered last week with 15-30-15 this is making me think its root rot . what else could it be?
  2. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    How to add peroxide if you have root rot 25 gallon soil container
  3. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    how to add h202 with root rot
  4. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    Transplanting is not an option its in a twenty 5 gallon pot
  5. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    4th or 5th week in flowering and my damn leaves are starting to yellow droop die and fall off. starting at bottom working up.
  6. bigBlunt25

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Great maybe Ill try this with mine
  7. bigBlunt25

    Cloning question

    What the fuck alot of you fuckers fuckin suck ass. 74 fuckin people and no one has any info godddddddd Damn it.fuck shit hell dick ass bitch mutha fucka. I feel better
  8. bigBlunt25

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Any pics of the first go round? Looks good though.
  9. bigBlunt25

    Cloning question

    I have a single clone in some wet sand in a little container sitting on a heater pad with flouros. Should I use the heater pad?
  10. bigBlunt25

    got busted and need some help....

    Any law students at your college
  11. bigBlunt25

    got busted and need some help....

    Talk to a lawyer
  12. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!!

    Is the system the best for the price.Does anyone know a site wih cheaper hydro system?
  13. bigBlunt25

    check it out let me kno wut u think

    Looks like you are off to a great start man.
  14. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!!

    Some good cheap hydro nutes MAXSEA
  15. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!!

    This is also the name of a good cheap hydro fert MAXSEA.
  16. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!!

    You dont like the vdrip sysyem?
  17. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!! I think they have a good cheap system from what I see on the web site. heck it out and get back with me.:-P
  18. bigBlunt25

    Cheap hydro systems!!!! I think they have good prices on there system check it out and tell me what you think.:-P
  19. bigBlunt25

    so many toppps!!!!

    Heres a few more pics of amsterdammarijuanaseeds "white widow". Damn I cant hardly wait to see what I end up with.
  20. bigBlunt25

    Triming lower budsites

    Does trimming lower limbs and leaves really improve overall yeild. Ihave did this today on the word of someone but i really didnt want to tell me I did the right thing or not.:?: