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  1. Mojo61777

    From start to finish

    Okay peeps, its Mojo here. I have been away for some time but I now have some updated pics of my babies. I have four total babies however one of them seams sick. The other three are doing wonderful. I fimed three of them and it seams only one of them took off. We shall see. Anyway hare you go...
  2. Mojo61777

    Christian Militia arrests

    Is anyone in this forum fimiliar with the patriot movement? Has anyone heard about,read about, or saw on the "news" about the arrests? This shit makes my blood boil! Our constitutional rights are slowly being ripped from us and we are all standing by watching, desensitized to whats really...
  3. Mojo61777


    How about a community section?
  4. Mojo61777

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    Here are a couple pics of my set up. Im going to us this area as my veg room, as well as flowering. My second time around, any feedback would be great! I will update photos as i go. Thanks.
  5. Mojo61777

    24 Hour light or 18/6 day/night photoperiod/

    I have been going 24 straight. I think it depends on preference. This is my second grow so im not experienced by any measure, however I have been keeping a daily log/journal noting my light cycles, watering, growth, temp, humidity, etc. By doing this, the next time around I will have something...
  6. Mojo61777

    From start to finish

    Okay fellas, my little ones just sprouted two days ago. All four broke ground. Im hoping I get at least one female... :hump: Now, how long do I wait till I start to feed them?
  7. Mojo61777

    Dan Hardy vs St Pierre

    Lets here some thoughts on this fight! Im going with Hardy on this one. I know Im crazy, St Pierre is an animal. Im an underdog kind of guy.:fire:
  8. Mojo61777

    Thanks for the add

    Thanks for the add
  9. Mojo61777

    From start to finish

    Okay, so I couldnt wait. I have a picture of my t flos with the new set up. Each ballest is two tubes. Each ballest has a plant tube wide spectrum combined with a 3000k red spectrum. I will get the cflos set up tomorrow. Another pic is of the room after painting, And the last picture is of the...
  10. Mojo61777

    From start to finish

    For the flowering this time around I kind of went the cheep way. I bought six cflos 23 watts each bulb is 2700k so as I understand this is the right spectrum for flowering, coupled with the cflos I have four t12 40 watt 3000k 48" lights. Im sure for four plants this set up is not ideal. Im not...
  11. Mojo61777

    From start to finish

    Ok, so don't laugh people! But here is my first attempt at a grow room. Lol, I know its pretty comical, after reading and researching the RIU sight Im currently under reconstruction of my room. My first attempt at growing went well okay. My plants were tall and spindly, I'm guessing this is...
  12. Mojo61777

    The itch/excitement of the grow

    Can anyone help regarding picture posts? Im trying to figure out how to post some pictures and having trouble. Still learrning how to use this sight, please forgive me.:-?
  13. Mojo61777

    The itch/excitement of the grow

    Okay, after the initial spazz and excitment of my planned grow, I have settled down and came to a realization, SLOW DOWN and RELAX! For some reason I had it in my mind that the bigger the better, which eventually will be the case. For now however, I will focus on the down size, concentrate on...
  14. Mojo61777

    Ordering seeds

    OOOOKKKKAAY! I switched browsers and everything is all good........ Sorry for the melt down.
  15. Mojo61777

    Ordering seeds

    I have tried but the sight keeps directing me to enable my cookie thing in my computer. I have tried it several times and it will not work. Im pissed!
  16. Mojo61777

    Ordering seeds

    :evil: I am seriously about to freak out!!!!!!!! For whatever reason, the seed banks in this sight will not let me regester. What the fuck am I doing wrong? Any ideas?
  17. Mojo61777


    Okay, next question from the green horn. Im going to purchase a hps light. Again my budget is about fifty bucks. So im probably looking at something in the range of 100 to 120 watts. In all the reading I have done regarding hsp lights, Im concerned about the venting of heat. What do I have to do...
  18. Mojo61777

    Completly Green

    Well the web as a whole is new to me yes. I have used the web before, however I am unfimiliar with the security aspect of it. As far as using it against me well I live in a state where marijauana is not leagle. Catch my drift? I apologize for not being clear regarding my web usage:roll: I...
  19. Mojo61777


    Okay, Im finally getting somewhere. My next question is this, the light pictured ar ewhat wattage? And what do I look for as far as spectrum? Are the lights labled? If you could give me specifics I will head to the store now. I have seed germinating as we speak amd am looking to have all bases...
  20. Mojo61777


    I have a room that is four foot wide, six foot long and six foot tall. Foil lined and am looking to grow three to four plants. My budget is pretty much nonexistant. I have like fifty bucks to spend on a light system for this area. Im looking for the best light I can achieve with this budget...