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  1. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    So about 10 years ago I did a half ass aerogarden grow so I don't really consider that a legit grow. Using the advanced nutrients line changing res every week in my dwc setup. These plants are doing crazy good I was not expecting results like this. I'm changing res today and I'm adding big bud...
  2. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    There's 2 plants the one on the right didn't grow near as tall as the other I tried to get everything through that reaches
  3. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Week 2 flower update. She looks beautiful everything is going great I can't wait till she's done. I'm only using advanced nutrients, great white, and sugar. Next week I'm going to start adding big bud.
  4. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Trimmed and in flower I'm excited. My buddy helped me take clones I got like 25 nice ones off that healthy plant all doing good.
  5. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Just went to flower. Once I sex the plants ( should be female) I'm gonna get rid of the little one and let the big girl get right in the center. Got a buddy helping me pull clones today
  6. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Yeah man its working really well, I've also been keeping the room in the upper 60's not getting higher than 72. I never thought my girl would let me grow then she read a article on pesticides in weed and is basically making me grow my own. I'm am thouoghly enjoying it and definitely appreciate...
  7. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    End of week 4 of veg. I have a weekend and a week full of shit to do so I'm going to veg a few more days hopefully I can take clones on Wed or Thurs and switch lights at the end of the week. The girl on the left is taking over the other sister is getting better, but definitely not as good and...
  8. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    My one plant is doing so good... Then I got the other sister. I added more air stones cut down the nutes but the one plant just don't wanna grow
  9. J

    Need help quick please

    Thanks man lot of good info much appreciated
  10. J

    Need help quick please

    Thanks man appreciate the help
  11. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Thanks man I'm gonna keep posting updates
  12. J

    Need help quick please

    400w platinum led, I upped nutes on Sunday did a res change and added 30ml per gallon of advanced nutrients a little less than full strength
  13. J

    Need help quick please

    I got the res temp under control it seemed like everything was doing better but now still getting some browning and curling on one of the plants anyone see anything?
  14. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Pictures should I trim some of the monster fan leaves? I cut some of the really brown crunchy ones off the smaller plant
  15. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    I feel like I got temp under control and it seemed like everything was good and now I'm getting some browning on the big fan leaves again. I just went to 10ml per gallon of the advanced nutrients which is a little less than full strength. Was that too much this early? I'm gonna post some...
  16. J

    Cheapest diy water chiller?

    What I'm thinking is run a water line from my reservoirs to a pump that pumps my water outside to a stainless steel wort chiller that is buried a couple feet underground. As long as no light is getting to the water is there any reason that wouldn't work? Stainless should hold up underground?
  17. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    Today will be my third res change so this has been 3 weeks 5 days from seed pop
  18. J

    First grow any tips, comments, suggestions please!!!

    I got water temp under control for now I plan on making a much more involved recirculating waterfall system at some point but I'm gonna make this work this go around. I think they look beautiful the leaves are crazy big on the one. I got some bacteria to add and I have some honey on the way...
  19. J

    Need help quick please

    Pic from this morning