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  1. dostrander

    Quantities per household or per patient?

    Thanks for your response to this and over in my grow room post. Not sure where you're located, in California the state mandates that you can have the maximum of "6 mature OR 12 immature plants" but have also given the counties the ability to increase those amounts if they so desire (but not...
  2. dostrander

    How'm I doing guy's?

    Thanks guy's, plan to switch the lights over in a day or 2, the girls are a mix of Mango, Ice and unknown freebies from the seed bank. Should I ease the lights over an hour a day for a week to get it to 12-12 or just knock it straight to 12-12?
  3. dostrander

    How'm I doing guy's?

    Hello everybody, This is my first grow in over 20 years and would like some informed input. Using 400w SHPS on 20 hours, ebb and flow setup with flooding for 15 min every 3 hours (except lights out), GH FlouraDuo nutes and Hydroton. The girls had a rough start, first few weeks temp was hovering...
  4. dostrander

    Quantities per household or per patient?

    For California, the indicated minimum allowed amounts are "6 mature OR 12 immature plants and 8 oz. of dried processed marijuana". Are these quantites per household or per licensed patient? If you have 2 licensed patients in a household are you allowed to double the quantities? Also In the "6...