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  1. Lady Highfly

    About to pull the trigger on my first setup. How does it look?

    sounds like your on the right track! put some pics up!
  2. Lady Highfly

    2nd Build, Dual Room 19' X 8'

    looking forward to see where this goes!
  3. Lady Highfly


    good luck!!! i agree with the others, give it a little time
  4. Lady Highfly

    ideal temp for germinating seeds?

    i would say about 75-80. above the freezer will be fine, also make sure the towels aren't to wet
  5. Lady Highfly

    Time to Harvest?

    yeh let us know!
  6. Lady Highfly

    16 days into fllowering, what should my buds look like?

    there all looking great guys, cant wait to see the final photos!
  7. Lady Highfly

    Rate the song above

    7 Alice Cooper - poison
  8. Lady Highfly

    Week 3 of flower opinions ?

    good work! 3rd time lucky! :p
  9. Lady Highfly

    How did I do?

    great set up dude, good luck!
  10. Lady Highfly

    Trainwreck my 18 beautifully girls

    beautiful girls you have there!
  11. Lady Highfly

    male or female

    boo to those balls!
  12. Lady Highfly

    Starting Off

    sorry to hear about your problem dude, I'm a newbie and have been watching your progress! sorry i cant be any help but fingers crossed for ya!
  13. Lady Highfly

    Guilty Pleasures

    what a classic!
  14. Lady Highfly

    Guilty Pleasures

    i LOVE purple rain!!! oooohhhhh oooooohhh ooooooohh oooh
  15. Lady Highfly

    Music Quizzes

    55% on elton, they were tricky!
  16. Lady Highfly

    Marijuana Seeds

    maybe just try the shops they have recommend on this thread, seem pretty trust worthy. think i will place my first order soon! exciting!
  17. Lady Highfly

    Guilty Pleasures

    who can resist the thong song!!!
  18. Lady Highfly

    Rate the song above

    love this song!!
  19. Lady Highfly

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    hey hey hey!! I'm a newbie and just wanted to say hi! looking forward to getting to know y'all