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  1. OgruntZ


    I use reverse I do need to add some calcium magnesium and iron
  2. OgruntZ

    Cure bags?

    Lol this dude who I use to work around. I mean the kids really smart, is like a mad scientist in his closet with the hydro shit, has the CO2 machines, big fancy fans, nice light, hydro tub, always talking about getting together that one setup with fish in the tub next year, working on getting...
  3. OgruntZ

    Cure bags?

    So from the beginning I should hang forsure?
  4. OgruntZ


    Soil. I live in the mountains of VA but I dug out a 3ft hole an replaced with good dirt
  5. OgruntZ

    Cure bags?

    Okay. I heard that if u hang your buds then the thc drops out of it. Is that true?
  6. OgruntZ


    Man I been wondering about this for a while now. I use RO water and I mix it with calmag.. teaspoon per gallon to be exact. I'm wondering when I use my bloom nute.. should I add the calmag along with my bloom nute? Or no since nitrogen is in the calmag
  7. OgruntZ

    Cure bags?

    Nah. I've seen on another forum a cure bag. After I cut my buds I don't wanna do what I normally do an hang them. I wanna different way and I saw some people doing it on cure bags. I was wondering if anyone on here has heard of them
  8. OgruntZ

    Cure bags?

    Does anyone know anything about if the cure bags work better then putting in a bottle and burping? If so which cure bags are the best recommended?
  9. OgruntZ

    Outdoor problems

    So ive got the Obama runtZ just in case some of y'all haven't seen my posts in the past. I got my seed out of a beautiful nice looking bud that came from a packet from the dispensary. I paid 250 for the half believe it or not (private reserve)..anyways make long story short. I had russet...
  10. OgruntZ

    When's the light going to change up?

    Mid August sounds about right for me. I just can't remember the time my last harvests were. My memory has had it
  11. OgruntZ

    When's the light going to change up?

    So I am definitely doing to much then ? Looks like it just snowed..SMH I don't have anymore insecticidal soap and the mealy bugs are literally seaping.. draining my plant from liquid to the point where I have to give water twice a day so the DE has basically put a stop to that. I'm not going to...
  12. OgruntZ

    When's the light going to change up?

    I'm in Virginia.. I've got my plant literally covered in damn DE cuz the mealy bugs, russet mites an one other kind took control.. but I'm wondering when will the light start to switch on and give me a chance to start my bloom nutes? Thanks in advance
  13. OgruntZ

    Russet mites maybe?

    So earlier bout a month ago or so, I saw my plant drooping a tremendous bit whenever the sun would hit.. I looked it up an stupid me gets a buncha leaf mulch to put her around her.. about 2 weeks later I saw a big ass spider web surrounding the stock.. I thought (oh cool, a spider... nice, maybe...
  14. OgruntZ

    Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(

    The lil fucker jumped away from, an hid under the dried leaf mulch that I have. So even if I didn't know they were affecting my plant and have been on here for the past 2 3 months u think she'll be alright? Is the dropping coming from that or mostly humidity? Can't be over or under watering..I...
  15. OgruntZ

    Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(

    That was the most recent tonight before dark
  16. OgruntZ

    Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(

    Nice man, my biggest concern was that she started showing droops around mid day. I have about 8inch thick of dried leaf mulch so the roots don't get so exposed. But still showing droop at the top of the newer fresh looking leaves. Was wondering if the meal bigs sucked too sal..and if the plant...
  17. OgruntZ

    Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(

    I'm in VA. So buds will begin to start forming around august. I've got the preflowers already but I already added the insect killing soap. I will need to apply in about 5 days, so you think I still have a chance to not herm?
  18. OgruntZ

    Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(

    Y'all think it's too late?