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  1. tallstraw

    Leaves yellowing around outside. Middle still green...Whats the problem?

    ^ how in the world did you get to that conclusion? That looks nothing like any nitrogen overdose I've ever seen. But the flush and start over was a good bit to start. Grab 2-3x your pot size in water and flush it. Your plant looks young, and foxfarm is more than enough for a while. Grab some...
  2. tallstraw

    My plants seem like they are dying... Why????

    5.5-6.2 5.8 being your target PH. In coco I always go full strength after 3rd set of true leaves. They suck it up and explode. No nute burn. But I use Lucas (H3ad) method. Which isn't exactly overpowering.
  3. tallstraw

    TallStraw's Second Run!! :D

    Is this the same grojak from Northwest? Idk what's in thr black haze. This was one of the plants my girls friend killed
  4. tallstraw

    First time grower plant problem :-) any comments greatly appreciated

    Give it 2 pinches of epsom salt per gallon and it should fix it. Colored stems I was told is mag problems and the epsom always foxes it.
  5. tallstraw

    Uneven budding on same plant

    I have this plant. It's basically a mainline. It came out of the ground looking retarded, and had retarded growth for a while, but it came out and the stem split like a manline on its own and grew at the same rate for each apex the whole time. Thrn it fixed its retarded leave growth and grew...
  6. tallstraw

    TallStraw's Second Run!! :D

    2 Resinator by seedsman(zleestack x skunk #1) 1 under a 4x2 screen, 1 just supercropped 1 white widow under a 4x2 screen Each under a 300w 10band LED
  7. tallstraw

    TallStraw's Second Run!! :D

    Week 6 for my budding plants.
  8. tallstraw

    WW looking healthy???

    Looks like how my WW looked when I popped it. Had leaf deformity, and grew out of it after a few leaf sets.
  9. tallstraw

    Nutrients need them now!

    I havent eaten breakfast, probably not gonna get to eat lunch and I'm sitting here doing bullshit for the Army. I'm annoyed as fuck. But coming here trying to gice what little knowldge I have to help people who can't figure it out on there own gets annoying as fuck because no one even tries...
  10. tallstraw

    Nutrients need them now!

    Seriously? Whatever. Go to a mom and pop store. They should have general hydroponics, if that's an inert medium. Run the lucas method. If it's soil. Well, look for a bloom booster and veg booster.
  11. tallstraw

    How to check if an online hydroshop is legitimate ?

    Idk why any aite would fake this stuff. It's not hard products to source. I think you'll be fine. If not, you can claim fraud and get reimbursed since they can pull thr money back.
  12. tallstraw

    pH lock out. need some help really quik

    Hey man, you do you, seems you know it. So I'll refrain from offering anything from this point on.
  13. tallstraw

    My plants seem like they are dying... Why????

    I was always told stem color was mag related. So whenever I see it on a strain I add epsom. And it goes away. If I start to see it on newer growth. I increase the epsom I'm adding each time. Always seems to work. My chunky Cheeses have perfectly lush stems since the stretch. I say since the...
  14. tallstraw

    pH lock out. need some help really quik

    You migjt stress the plant transplanting it in its last few weeks. I didn't realize they were almost done. Leaves die all the time brother. Especiallytowards the end.
  15. tallstraw

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    How do you think people remedy their solutions? Do you think every person has had evrry lockout, deficiency, infestation, mold, and disease under the sun in order to tell others what to do? No, they read and learned and others. And for the problems they did get, how do you think they...
  16. tallstraw

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    Well, if you don't read and ask a question easily remedied by reading just the slightest bit. You deserve every bit of the slam you get. How about read. See if it broadens your horizen.
  17. tallstraw

    My plants seem like they are dying... Why????

    They dont need nutes yet, but you could at .25 strength if you wanted. Mine go till like 3rd set of leaves before I start feeding, and then I use full strength with no problem. On some plants my leaves look exactly like yours do now. It's just a mutation or whatever they call it, bad genetics...
  18. tallstraw

    Flush white widows for how long and when????

    ^ that's because you didn't read and don't tell me you have. Dwc or hydro, 3-5 day flush becausr you can change the eater instantly. Soil 10-14 days. Coco 4-7day flush. I dont flush. The bud is still as sweet and smooth as ever per whateveryone tells me. I dont smoke so I couldn't tell you first...
  19. tallstraw

    pH lock out. need some help really quik

    What kind of light? My bottom leaves die off all the time at the bottom of the plant. From lack of light. They get yellow and die and right before they fall off they start turning brown. Dont fret sir. But if it was a ph lockout...well, the obvious help would be to PH your shitttt. What medium...