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  1. dufiwon

    stealth grow with organics?

    My grow is all about stealth. I wanted to go organic use earth juice and brew it into teas. My question is can i brew it in a bucket with the lid on tight to keep the smell down or should the lid be left off when brewing. Also after you brew it how can i store it to last longer so i dont have to...
  2. dufiwon

    budding already

    see what happened was when we roll we throw the seeds and 1 grew during winter by a stream in florida it is just the main stalk no branches but it looks like it stopped doing anything should i bring it inside and try to flower it more with cfls or try to regenerate it outside so itll bud in...
  3. dufiwon

    budding already

    ive got a plant about 12 in tall its got about 3 in of flowering bud the hairs on top are turning red all the big leaves turned yellow and fell off it was accidentally started about three months ago or so outback work it seems like the plant stopped growing put it in a bucket with miracle grow...