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  1. panooq

    What do you think about selling the weed you grow?

    Here in Cali, you don't sell weed, you're a caregiver who shares medication in return for money, which is used to cover production cost. <sarcasm> Big difference. </sarcasm>
  2. panooq

    Using diatemaseous earth safer kind!

    I got some Food Grade DE (diatomaceous earth) at the local feed store and use it all the time. Last year, leaf cutters cleaned up my entire crop, but no sign of them this year. A little dusting on the leaves occasionally and a sprinkle on the ground. They say it's bad to breathe, but it's...
  3. panooq

    A Basic Compost Tea Guide

    oh noes, it's a marijuana plant. :) maybe try a tomato plant or something to make sure you got it right?
  4. panooq

    Diatomaceous Earth Question.

    DE is the bomb. I get it from a landscape supply place down the street. Used to only dust the top of the soil and the leaves whenever there was an issue, but now that I have 50lbs of the stuff, it's in the soil, it's everywhere. No more bugs. Gave some to my Mom in Reno and she said it...
  5. panooq

    Is Volcanic ash a good fert?

    volcanic fines are usually high in calcium, magnesium and iron. potassium is variable.
  6. panooq

    First Time Grow Problems

    i have had good luck with babies in a sunny window. Of course, if they're used to flouro, then the sunlight might be too much for them. I think the photons or the ultraviolet light or something protects them from molds and stuff.
  7. panooq

    First time grow. Need info and answers.

    so you have it under light 24 hours a day?
  8. panooq

    Alice's cheapo practice grow

    yeah, if you go inside to mcd's and ask for a cup of water, they'll probably give you one of their sunday cups for free, which are easy to put holes in and much safer then cutting into a soda can. Other things that work well are yogurt cups, applesauce cups etc. another great way to save...
  9. panooq

    1st time grower looking for advice

    what color is the new growth?
  10. panooq

    What's best pots to grow?

    Heard of people using storage tubs etc. You can use all kinds of stuff, but remember that sunlight will degrade some materials. Indoor grow light is probably a little easier on stuff since it's less intense. Drainage, size and portability are some factors to consider. I made some containers...
  11. panooq

    LED's for a 4x8 tent? need info

    LED technology is always evolving. Many of the commercially available LED fixtures use high wattage elements, which radiate heat as well as light. If it uses a heat sink, then it's losing energy to heat, which you're going to see in your electric bill. They are still generally more...
  12. panooq

    Adding Alfalfa to Fox Farms

    Decomposing green material can leach nitrates from the soil. I would just stick with the pre-made stuff and adjust for the plant's needs. I'm a beginner though, working from books etc. If you really want to use/add alfalfa, I would compost it separately and use it as a top covering, or...