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  1. Stussy

    Leaves curling please HELP!

    I'm using rockwool cubes which retain water so 1 min on 5 off would be too much water
  2. Stussy

    Leaves curling please HELP!

    Thanks Iron lungz, plants are 4 weeks old. I'll try half strength nutes and see how they go, shall let you know in a few days. Once again thanks.
  3. Stussy

    Leaves curling please HELP!

    Every 6 hrs
  4. Stussy

    Leaves curling please HELP!

    Temps are 78F at plants and water is 66F
  5. Stussy

    Leaves curling please HELP!

    Have a few 4 week old plants using an aero system. Have only been using full strength nutes for a week, and some of my leaves are curling. When mixing I mix it in a litre jug, the water ph is at 7 (normal) then put in dutchmaster A & B, then add rhizotonic for root strength and cal-mag. Then...
  6. Stussy

    Leaves curling, please HELP!

    Have a few 4 week old plants using an aero system. Have only been using full strength nutes for a week, and some of my leaves are curling. When mixing I mix it in a litre jug, the water ph is at 7 (normal) then put in dutchmaster A & B, then add rhizotonic for root strength and cal-mag. Then...
  7. Stussy

    Journal of my attempt at the "Mr Green" hydro setup (with influence from Al B Fuct)

    Hey Ahz, you seem to be pretty experienced in mr greens gig. I've just started a new crop about 3 weeks ago using Greens aero setup straight off ( 1st time for this type of setup, usually I let them grow outside in soil so I'm new to hydro/aero ), have been using Dutchmaster original a/b at...
  8. Stussy

    Transferring from soli to rockwool cubes

    Have added pics, help please, anyone?
  9. Stussy

    Transferring from soli to rockwool cubes

    My plants are about 4 weeks old growing under cfl's 16/8 and are currently in soil. I'm hoping that some one could tell me that if I were to change to cubes now and run a hydro setup or an aero setup, would this kill the plants. I,m feeding them dutchmaster original a/b at normal dose...
  10. Stussy

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    Cool thread, think I might get some auto seeds, sounds like alot less hassle
  11. Stussy

    what exactly does a carbon filter do?

    You will definately need this when flowering
  12. Stussy

    Anyone with a proud tiny mighty grow setup?

    Didnt realize this was a bitch session, keep about the plants hey, thats what we're all on here for, isnt it?
  13. Stussy

    CFL Question - Vegging

    Dont forget, flowering mostly depends on the light cycle 12/12, lights do the size. Keep it simple and all is good
  14. Stussy

    11days in to flowering stage

    You'll have to probably give a few more days but looks male
  15. Stussy

    Early sex signs. (First Grow)

    Bit hard to tell, photograph under normal light
  16. Stussy

    Early sex signs. (First Grow)

    Another week
  17. Stussy

    does vingar/ baking soda work like ph up/down?

    6.5 ph is ideal for soil plants, also best spend the $10-$20 and get the proper ph up/down solutions
  18. Stussy

    Keeping A Male With Your Females

    Instead of pollinating all your females why dont you just keep the 2 males togther with 1 female. You'll still get a shitload of seed and it wont ruin your whole crop.
  19. Stussy

    Flowering Problem

    Put it back into an 18hr light cycle, this will stop it from flowering