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  1. GrnLeavz

    Flatrate Farms

    They look so good! Saw them in the christmasbud thread ;) That will be a nice harvest
  2. GrnLeavz

    GrnLeavz' Green Grow Adventures

    Hi! Not much to say here. They are growing pretty fast. They received half a lite water yesterday with 1ml Biobizz Root Juice and 2ml Bio Heaven. Here are some pics. Laters!
  3. GrnLeavz

    NEED HELP!dry brittle branches and staulks in flower

    Ah i see. Maybe it is just strain related then? Some strains are better for training then others.
  4. GrnLeavz

    NEED HELP!dry brittle branches and staulks in flower

    It is rather common for the branches to become much harder en stiff in flower to support the flowers. That's why you try to finish your LST, scrog in the first weeks of flower. If you want to train now you can try supercropping. I hope this kinda answers your question.
  5. GrnLeavz

    GrnLeavz' Green Grow Adventures

    Time for a small update. The ladies are doing good. Temps with light on 28°C, lights of 19,8. Is this difference too big or is it good? They only get some water. Next time pics with lights off. I'm always too late ;)
  6. GrnLeavz

    Help with exhaust! 4'x4'x8' tent.(posted in wrong thread)

    There are generally 2 methods to calculate wich exhaust you need. 1. Take 1 cubic meter per 1 watt 2. You should be able to refresh your air 3 times per minute. So for a 1mx1mx2m tent it would be: 2m3 x 3(/minute) x 60 (/hour) I hope this helps and sorry for using metric :)
  7. GrnLeavz

    GrnLeavz' Green Grow Adventures

    Hi everyone I'm pretty sure no one really knows about me here but i had a (very) small journal of an outdoor grow on here. This ended pretty bad and got budrot. The weed i harvested was good tho but i missed out on a lot of yield. So now I'm going to continue indoor! I bought myself a little...
  8. GrnLeavz

    1st Grow Journal. 2x Critical outdoor

    Sorry for the very late update. To conclude this little report we had a few very crappy weeks here in Belgium. Whole septembre it has rained. So i got budrot and took them down early. I harvested around 300 grams early weed from the two plants. This was the first and probably the last time...
  9. GrnLeavz

    Looks like the neighbors cats..

    The joy of outdoor growing :p
  10. GrnLeavz

    Doing the shuffle

    Yes that will work without any problems. Keep in mind you will only harvest a bit less than if you would give them more light but you allready knew that I guess ;)
  11. GrnLeavz

    Advice for colder garage

    Keep in mind that electric heaters use lots of electricity. A simple heater easily runs at 2000w. I would advice a petroleum heater (or kerosine heater don't know how you call it i'm from Belgium ;))
  12. GrnLeavz

    Advice for colder garage

    Insulation pieces under the tent will help some but without insulating around the tent you will quickly have the same temps as you have now. So some sort of insulation plates around the tent will definitely do the trick. Alsl run the lights during the nights.
  13. GrnLeavz

    Which pot size

    Why not directly into the ground from the small pots they are in now? No more limits for the roots then.
  14. GrnLeavz

    How long does an ounce last YOU?

    I had to look up how many grams an ounce is ;) It usually lasts around a month. Depends on the strength. Sometimes i get some midgrade weed then its probably 2-3 weeks. I only smoke weekends.
  15. GrnLeavz

    ~Nute burn? Help please!~

    Yes it definitely can. Take a look on this page.
  16. GrnLeavz

    possible mold

    I don't think mold. It usually starts as white hairy stringy things. What it is I cannot say tho. Looks "crystally"
  17. GrnLeavz

    ~Nute burn? Help please!~

    Based on the droopy leaves i would say overwatering
  18. GrnLeavz

    Please help diagnose

    Ah i see. And has it gotten worse after the flush because i think once burned the damage is done.
  19. GrnLeavz

    Please help diagnose

    Based on the leaves curling up i would say heat but i'm still a noob so don't shoot me if i'm wrong. How far away is your light. Also probably in combination with nute burn.
  20. GrnLeavz

    Outdoor Grow - Bud Rot + Mildew on Leaves

    Those are leafhoppers. They suck out the sap from the leaves and you can see white spots turning brown mostly appearing in clusters. You could try neem oil or ladybugs to get rid of them.