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  1. xpanda

    I found this..

    what are they gonna do, go to the police coz someone stole their weed?!!
  2. xpanda

    Stems Bendy or Snappy? (with pics)

    that looks like a satisfying harvest! hope it smokes well.
  3. xpanda

    IKEA mini greenhouses

    ive seen them, look good for germinating and the early vegetative stage at least.
  4. xpanda

    A BIG thankyou.....

    oh yes im sure it will, cant wait for the final product!
  5. xpanda

    does speed drying fuck up your buds?

    that make no sense, you are saying they are different, then saying they are the same!
  6. xpanda

    A BIG thankyou.....

    .... just thought i would say thankyou to everyone for their advice and help over the last couple of months, i have grown my own plants; started with 10, narrowed down to 6 after germination, threw 4 males out, ended up with 2 weird looking female plants. One plant was tall and skinny and...
  7. xpanda

    Dr Chronic seeds

    I ordered 10x bubbleicious from dr chronic, took like two days to the uk. Signed for, trackable delivery too. Didnt get any freebies but still well impressed nevertheless.
  8. xpanda

    harvesting whilst on holiday

    anyone else got any tips on this?
  9. xpanda

    harvesting whilst on holiday

    thanks man, just what i wanted to hear!
  10. xpanda

    harvesting whilst on holiday

    oh! i thought darkness was a good thing seeing as light supposedly degrades thc??
  11. xpanda

    Buds growing

    thanks, i think ill harvest them when they are mid between cloudy/amber, for the best of both worlds!
  12. xpanda

    harvesting whilst on holiday

    i go on holiday in the beginning of july for one week. My 2 small plants are nearing maturity and if the trichs are the right color before i go, i would like to cut the plants down and let them dry whilst im away. Do you think they will be ok without me there? They will be in a loft, which...
  13. xpanda

    Buds growing

    anyone know?
  14. xpanda

    Buds growing

    in your experiences, when do the buds grow the most/quickest, at the beginning or nearer harvest time? in the last couple of weeks coming up to maturity, will they grow much more? When deciding when to harvest, can i concentrate on the color of the trichs rather than trying to hold out in case...
  15. xpanda

    growing for dummies

    its annoying, i know what you mean but the isnt one simple way to grow! like ORECAL says, there are too many variables. Just keep researching and asking on this forum. take one step at a time. You will probably make many mistakes just as i have on my first grow but i should still be smoking mine...
  16. xpanda

    Has anyone ever done this.....

    thanks jon2. what a guy, he takes it very seriously. it seems to me he has been shit on by the government or someone, i dont blame him for growing so much!! Anyone else done this on a more amateur level?
  17. xpanda

    Has anyone ever done this.....

    :confused: Hi, i was wondering if anyone has ever planted seeds in the middle of nowhere? Maybe with the aid of a GPS to relocate the plants some time later? if so: did it work? how did you do it? where was it (which country/area)?:mrgreen:
  18. xpanda

    Spider - Helpful Or Not?

    today i found a house spider near my plant, sitting on the pot. Im sure he will kill any flies around but will he harm the plant. I live in the uk and the spider is about 2cm long.