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  1. jaysizzle

    Is this weed?

    Nute burn causes those symtoms. It might have been to small and delicate for the dose you used for feeding. I' would try to flush it out and use ph'd water until it got a little bit bigger/older. Thats just MO.
  2. jaysizzle

    Sourcing "soil pipe"

    I don't mean to sound uneducated on the subject, but...Can you explain this soilpipe method as I am not familiar?
  3. jaysizzle

    What shroom is this!? It was in my Roots Organics Soil.

    Thats crazy. It kinda looks like B+. But mushrooms are funky. Some will kill you. Have you tried to look up online a mushroom guide that helps identify strains? I'd start there.
  4. jaysizzle

    anyone ever smoked with a celeb?

    I got backstage at a G-Love and the Special Sauce show. When we got into the room some girl handed me a balloon of medical grade a Heinikin and told me to sit down on the couch. G-Love then sparked a fat ass joint and we all blazed. It was fun as hell. I still have the balloon and a candy...
  5. jaysizzle

    What Happend? Have You Ever Seen ANYTHING like this??

    I have a White Widow x Big Bud seedling that has topped itself. it started with 2 single blades the about 2 weeks later it started to show the split. I am not complaining about it. im gonna top it anyway and get 4 colas. I'm hoping with the Big Bud genetics I have a super huge bud producing fat...
  6. jaysizzle

    Crazy looking mutation.Self topping plant???Why duz my plant have to main stems?

    So I planted a Big Bud x White Widow seed. It germed just fine. When it got a lil older it didnt seem to be growing very fast. when I noticed thatit was growing two main stems like it was topped instead of growing one main stem I was baffled. Does anyone know of anyone that has grown out a...
  7. jaysizzle

    Topping +REP for good answer

    They say to top right after the 5-6 node. Cut your plant just above the node and the two side branches will turn into to main colas. like a Y.
  8. jaysizzle

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    What's happening? So it's my first auto grow, got 4 autoak47 going. I bought a ten pack of regs from lowlife. I'm going to try and do a seed harvest. If you guys dont mind, could you tell me at what week do the males start to drop pollen for collecting? 3 out of 4 were fems and I have 1 strong...
  9. jaysizzle

    Looked everywhere...plz help. Can i just let autos m/f grow together and get seeds???

    Thanx riched...Good info! I'm super pumped about getting a seed stock going. I have a feeling I'm gonna be very pleased with my seed harvest and my bud harvest. I'm gonna save some of the pollen for sure though, gonna try and pick out a good strong healthy mom with the other 6 beans I have...
  10. jaysizzle

    Looked everywhere...plz help. Can i just let autos m/f grow together and get seeds???

    Yeah...I bought a 10 pack of regs-autoak. I want to get some seeds so i dont have to buy any for a long time. I just hope that the one male I have will polinate the fems and produce for me. I'm worried about not having enough time for seeds to mature before the end of the cycle of life for the...
  11. jaysizzle

    Looked everywhere...plz help. Can i just let autos m/f grow together and get seeds???

    I know that they will get pollinated but givin the life cycle of an auto I dont know if there is enough time to have seeds develope. I wonder if I would get a better seed harvest if i collected pollen and pollinated a new batch. I hope I can just leave em and get mass ampounts of seeds. I would...
  12. jaysizzle

    Looked everywhere...plz help. Can i just let autos m/f grow together and get seeds???

    :confused:So I started 4 autoflower ak47. It is now 2.5-3 weeks into my first auto grow but I have questions about making seeds. If i have 1 male auto and 3 fem auto and all the seeds were sowed at the same time, can I just let them all grow together and achieve pollination that will produce...
  13. jaysizzle

    Auto flowering

    I am also growing auto-ak47. From the research I have also done it seems to be the general census of 1-1.1/2oz per plant if optimal environment is maintained. Most journals and stuff I had read on seed to harvest is 10 weeks for some ripe buds on the autoak. But as far as the best strain...
  14. jaysizzle

    Watering question

    You can test your ph of the water to see if you need to adjust anything. I also think that when you water until it runs offyou are flushing old for new.So you dont get chemical build up from ferts.
  15. jaysizzle

    another guess my yield thread!

    I'm guessing...8.3. It looks like a pretty hefty pile.
  16. jaysizzle

    What would you do if YOU had this?

    How longdid you flower. Maybe you harvested to early. That would result in some smoke that doesnt get you high, or very little at best.
  17. jaysizzle

    OMG! 16 weeks flowering and i can't get trics to turn!

    You should post pics. That may help get a response. IMO they have been flowering way to long. I have not heard of a strain that takes that long. Not to say that their isnt, but to have 2 doing the same amount of time in flower just seems like something is very wrong. I have heard of some...
  18. jaysizzle

    *Making Hash With Your Trimmings For Free! Using Basic HouseHold Items*

    What do you think about making hash this way and then drying out the strained green and trying to get some oil out of whats left? Try using the BHO or the Isopropyl method. It's just a thought for discussion. It would be a killer way to use all of the plant and get as much goodness out of it as...
  19. jaysizzle

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thanx for the link. It is some pretty cool stuff. I will do my reading and maybe give it a go after my next run. I'm doing ak47 autos. I'm pumped! I think this side of growing is where it's at. Tons of unknowns with cannabis. So experiment and report and we all could benefit from a lil stoner...
  20. jaysizzle

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey all..I was reading this thread and in the beginning their was a discusion about cloning auto's. I have not done much research the technique I am about to mention so don't rip me up to bad...:/ S I saw this article/thread a while back that had demonstrated a cloning method that used the...