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  1. jaysizzle

    yo man whats good? thanx for the add. im flowering some plants right now(the mothers i took...

    yo man whats good? thanx for the add. im flowering some plants right now(the mothers i took clones from)and a couple of the rooted clones as well. im making room for some 12/12 from clone action. im going to try and make that my main method of growing. i grow for personal use and dont need...
  2. jaysizzle

    First time CFL grow using Homebox™

    i am also a first time cfl'er and im doing very well. ill post some pics of my setup and my flowering plant under cfl. add as a friend and we can experiment with this cfl thing. its the future baby.
  3. jaysizzle

    first attemt to reproduce with diy bubblecloner!

    well,....its done. I have offically takin some cuttings from the mother NL plants and I am now in the process of trying to root with my homeade bubblecloner. I cut 8, 2inch holes(give or take)and have put 6 cuttings in and have thrown in 1 clone rooted in dirt and then washed gently until the...
  4. jaysizzle

    First diy bubbleponic setup

    well,....its done. I have offically takin some cuttings from the mother NL plants and I am now in the process of trying to root with my homeade bubblecloner. I cut 8, 2inch holes(give or take)and have put 6 cuttings in and have thrown in 1 clone rooted in dirt and then washed gently until the...
  5. jaysizzle

    First diy bubbleponic setup

    thanks dwcattempt. i had planned on it. i am actully going to monkey with that thing a lil more today. I had a busy weekend and barley sqeaked enuff time in to make that friggin thing. i was thinking about using a 5gal bucket also. im gettting my feet wet with this cloner(no pun intended) and...
  6. jaysizzle

    First diy bubbleponic setup

    thanx for the reply illegal smile. and yes this is just a system for rooting clones. If this system works well i am going to try and make another system for maturing plants. i was thinking of attempting the S.O.G method on a small scale with another tote.(im experimenting ) Now for the feeder...
  7. jaysizzle

    First diy bubbleponic setup

    AS i am a newbie i think maybe i am confused a lil. i thought bubbleponics and DWC were one in the same. sorry for the ignorance. but at anyrate the previous post still apply's. thanx to all for the help in advance.
  8. jaysizzle

    First diy bubbleponic setup

    So this is my first diy DWC setup. im looking for any advice pertaining to the equipment used and if this is a sufficient setup. I will be atempting to put between 10-15 2inch holes in the top for cloning purpose's, and 1-2 net pots for my firstDWC micro grow(still in the air about the two net...
  9. jaysizzle

    A micro cfl nl#5 harvest log

    i really enjoyed looking/reading this thread. i am a newb and so far so good. iam also using cfls right now for my veg room. im running 5 26w cfls and 1 46w cfls. I also have NL strain(2 plants). i have begun to lst, and topped one in hopes of getting good side shoot growth for taking...
  10. jaysizzle

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    so what isthe expected time frame for 12/12 from seed to harvest? i am along forthis one as well. im curious toknow how it all pans out. maybe this could be a method i will try out as well. good luck man and grow green.
  11. jaysizzle

    Marijuana Motorcycle

    thats crazy!! only in america.
  12. jaysizzle

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    how long from seed to harvest using this 12/12 from seed method?