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  1. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Good info though, I'll look him up, thanks!
  2. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Outdoors I've lost over 10lbs on more than one occasion to storms and mold. Now that was a lot of my fault with not defoliating correctly or staking them enough. But when you get 40mph winds and pouring rain, only so much you can do anyways. That's what made me go to a greenhouse if I was...
  3. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Loving these greenhouse pics guys. These are great inspiration and its always good to see how the local climate effects things, there isn't much on weed growing in greenhouses in MA that I've found in my searches! I need to get some power to mine for next season, but realistically I just need...
  4. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    That is really cool. :clap: Mine is a poly carb and does not roll up or do anything crazy, the vent is one of those wax ones that opens at 70 degrees and closes when it cools down. This is my first go at a greenhouse, but I've been learning a lot and a system like yours for a future set up...
  5. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I have a vent on my roof that is the same as that, side louver and keep my door open during the day. I also live between a stream, river and surrounded by wetlands. Oh, and in a valley that stops most weather, including wind most days. Without a fan they could be outside with no cover at all...
  6. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I've noticed a ton of grasshoppers and moths this year. More than I ever remembered before, are people seeing this in other areas as well?
  7. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    I was worried about overnight air flow and early morning dew and so I ended up ordering 3 little fans that can be charged via USB. Over night I run all 3. 2 last 24 hours on low, and an oscillating one that lasts 12, it keeps the walls dry and the roof slightly damp. Dew hasn't been forming on...
  8. M

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Out here in WMASS. Had some autos I had to bring in a few weeks ago due to starting of some mold. These two girls are still going strong though and the added fans has been a huge help. The roof inside has a tiny bit of moisture in the mornings but the sides and plants are always dry. Been...