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  1. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    been a few days, starting to see some action in the "v" area where the leaves attach to the main stem, mostly new leaves, but assuming/hoping for lil white hairs soon! Is it odd that ive gotta water my plants pretty much on a daily basis? as youve seen from the pics, ive got 15 or so crammed in...
  2. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    started to see a little bit of droop today after being inside all day yesterday due to heavy thunderstorms. havent watered since sunday, so I mixed up some of the Miracid 30-10-10, as recommended before, and gavem a good drink. sposed to be a decent day out, mid 80s, no rain so hoping to see...
  3. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    how big of a chunk can I remove? its just 1 in particular thats alot taller then the rest. *edit* its the biggest healthiest one, so beautiful...I hate to do it! haha
  4. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    was just lookin at em, comin along nicely , fridge = great idea :D ill likely do it every 3rd, too afraid to do something bad again :-/ wont be watering again till at least the weekend, watered em good till I saw a bit come out the bottom on sunday, then a bit of rain today. is it ok for them...
  5. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    lol im not sure why, but you confused me haha. to reiterate, 1 gallon of water to 1 small end scoop = 50% str? and use this now every time I water?
  6. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    so your saying use 1 full scoop of the smaller one, to 1 gallon of water? or a half scoop to 1 gal?
  7. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    ok so heres the pics of what I got. my plan was to take a 1 gal milk jug and pre-mix 1 gal of the fert + water. how much fert exactly should I use based on the directions? ive been told 1/8, 1/4 mixtures, whats best?
  8. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    so when i got home there was some signs of improvement after watering and a nice sunny day, but we also got some pop up heave downpours here, and they were pretty weighed down when i got home, but should be fine once they absorb some of that water. also got some Miracid today, not exactly the...
  9. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    outside. soil is a miracle grow potting mix, temps in the mid 80s-mid 90s on hotter days, with some humidity. when its gonna be a scorcher, i always put up an umbrella over em to givem a lil relief from the sun. i definately didnt expect all of em to germinate and survive haha, just waiting...
  10. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    awesome, ill check for some Miracid tomorrow @ lunch, and puttem back outside tomorrow with a good watering. how often should I use it? everytime I water? thanks for all the great advice, check back ill report back in a few days :D
  11. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    wow thanks for the great responses! any particular reason you chose that fert? ill likely order or check my local outdoor store for some. will this help the lime greenish color pushing thru the middle of the tops of the plants? thanks for the tips on watering too, gonna definatly water...
  12. L

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    if you dont mind, id like it very much so if you wouldnt mind takin a peek @ my post, and lemme know what ya think :)
  13. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    heres an updated pic, brought em inside, a quick mist and just a lil water about an hour ago and already seeing better results. should i give more water? leave it inside? put it back out? im scared! :-?:confused: sorry about the crappy cellphone pic, didnt wanna drag my good cam out again :P
  14. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    wow thanks for all of those tips. ya I brought em back inside and its been an hour or so and already seeing visable recovery, that really serious drooping caused by lack of water? i always feel im gonna overwater :-/ how much/how often should I be doing so? you suggesting getting some sort...
  15. L

    First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

    this could potentially turn into a long post but ill do my best to keep it neat and easy to read :) Over the last week or so ive done alot of reading on these forums, TONS of great info, but im still in need of some expert advice :) my apologies in advance for the high res pics :-? Backround...