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  1. jmo0909

    Help big problem!!!!

    the plants are out!!! the pieces are still there and the guys isnt really security he is an maintenance and we have no security system the guy called the cops
  2. jmo0909

    Help big problem!!!!

    the police also called my other roommates and said nothing about the weed shit at all just the burglary. FISHY FISHY
  3. jmo0909

    Help big problem!!!!

    ok the security for our complex called and let the cops in. they plants were not in plain view and niether were the pieces all was hidden thats whats fishy right...
  4. jmo0909

    Help big problem!!!!

    OK last night someone broke into my house and broke into my safe but was disappointed when it was empty and they security for the complex called the police to report the burglary and he called me this morning and told me what had happened and said that the police brought dogs in and he told us...
  5. jmo0909

    G13 Haze in Vegg!! any thoughts

    bump! no one has anything?
  6. jmo0909

    2 weeks in, first grow, Lowryder 2. *Pics*

    how long are you going to veg for?
  7. jmo0909

    G13 Haze in Vegg!! any thoughts

    my cfl setup is pretty nice i have a grow in progress you should check out. I want to lst this thing but i dont want to hurt the roots, it a very slow grower. Anyone have experience with g13?
  8. jmo0909

    G13 Haze in Vegg!! any thoughts

    Ok i ordered this fem seed from attitude seed bank the actual name of the seed is Barney's G13 Haze. I think this is about 4th week of veg and it had two weeks of germ. I heard this strain take a really long time to grow, is this true? I have 3 100W equ. 6500K CFLs above this one plant...
  9. jmo0909

    Leaving for a week need to keep plant watered!!!!!!

    so everyone thinks it would be ok to water it alot before i left and it should be ok till i return a week later??? Can i leave some water in a dish underneath the plant so it will soak it up when it needs it?
  10. jmo0909

    Leaving for a week need to keep plant watered!!!!!!

    ok i will try that mylar thing out, sounds like it will work...i am curious about the self watering pot also
  11. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    ok so i have about two weeks left...this saturday is lucky number 7
  12. jmo0909

    Leaving for a week need to keep plant watered!!!!!!

    ok so you think this would work? I dont want to take any chances, your saying i just water the shit out of it, then put that bubble wrop mylar stuff on the soil and it keeps it moist for up to 8 days?
  13. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    anyone have info on letting the plant go an extra week? does it increase thc levels etc???
  14. jmo0909

    Leaving for a week need to keep plant watered!!!!!!

    ok i think im gonna go with a trusted friend i have. Should not be a problem. thanks for all the input.
  15. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    what are the advantages of having a more mature plant.
  16. jmo0909

    Leaving for a week need to keep plant watered!!!!!!

    Like the title says i will be leaving next sunday, an not returning til the following sunday. I need to keep it watered it is nearing the end of compektion 6th week of flowering. Any ideas? I heard the aqua globe doesnt work too well??
  17. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    ok i will continue untill thursday with nutes, how often should i be flushing and how much water should i be using when flushing?
  18. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    ok questions on the nutes... can i use the catalyst for about another couple waterings?? then should i start my flush?
  19. jmo0909

    6th week into flowering how long till harvest?

    ok this is the 6th week of flowering i an using earth juice catalyst once a week. tell me what you think about it. how long do i have left? any tips
  20. jmo0909

    New pics 5th week of flowering

    not sure about the strain its bag seed. Let me know how it looks gonna be posting pics again soon. Im also leaving for about a week, any suggestions on how to keep it watered??