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  1. jmo0909

    Swithcing cycles mid flowering need advice

    confusing question yes....but very important so help me!!
  2. jmo0909

    1st real CFL grow 4th day of flowering (yellow Leaves?)

    the newest updated pictures are the four close up. I will hold off on watering for a few days.
  3. jmo0909

    Swithcing cycles mid flowering need advice

    so i find out that people will be coming around my apartment during the day and i am currently going dark at 830 at night. I need this plant to be under lights at night and off during the here is my question will it hurt the plant if it is off 24 hours straight then i turn the light...
  4. jmo0909

    1st real CFL grow 4th day of flowering (yellow Leaves?)

    ok so here are some pics im about 36 days into it according to buds for less. Let me know how she is looking.
  5. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    yes!!!! i can see the root of one of the g13's i need to get this thing to grow
  6. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    yea i think they all were killed unfortunately, i am germing 2 more using a better method so hopefully these all workout
  7. jmo0909

    Intake big enough? to HOTT HELP HELP

    also will a dc power cord work better than an ac one for a DC fan. will it spin faster etc.
  8. jmo0909

    Intake big enough? to HOTT HELP HELP

    i have like 8 42W CFL's over it the grow room is 34x34x36 wooden box and i currently have a passive intake
  9. jmo0909

    Intake big enough? to HOTT HELP HELP

    someone?? please i need some help fast
  10. jmo0909

    Intake big enough? to HOTT HELP HELP

    Ok is my intak big enough i have a 4 in cooling fan for the exhaust. and about a 4 in round intake. The exhaust is barely blowing anything out do i need a bigger intake. my temp is really high i need help fast
  11. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    any other ideas...the seeds stopped growing while germinating in the paper towel the roots stopped
  12. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    hmmm alright i dont think they are rotted, i found one the other day and there was no white tip i had them germing and it got kinda hot where it was taking place....i just dont want my 100$ seeds going to waste
  13. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    ok so what happens if it is too wet
  14. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    Put the seeds less than an inch in the soil. Watering every other day when the soil is dry still nothing is happening.
  15. jmo0909

    HELP!! G13 Seeds not sprouting in soil

    Planted 3 seeds of g13 2 days ago that were germinated and popped open but so far nothing has come out of the soil, nothing seems to be happening. What should I do?
  16. jmo0909

    G13 Labs G13 Haze and G13 Labs Durban Poison from seed 10/28

    this never happened to anyone?
  17. jmo0909

    1st real CFL grow 4th day of flowering (yellow Leaves?)

    can anyone tell if its female....its starting to smell faintly
  18. jmo0909

    1st real CFL grow 4th day of flowering (yellow Leaves?)

    thanks for the reply, i am cutting down on nutes and going straight to water next watering and a few after. I am in the process of a new grow box so i should have more options for light placement
  19. jmo0909

    G13 Labs G13 Haze and G13 Labs Durban Poison from seed 10/28

    ok so i was germinating the g13 and they seemed to stop growing roots after popping. So i put them in soil after waiting a few days with no growth. has this happened to anyone before?? is this normal please help me out!!:joint::joint: