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  1. Fish scale

    is this black mold growing on my tent?

    So I did a grow last year and I haven't bothered to take down my tent and it's been sitting there for the last 6 months and today when I was doing a bit of cleaning in and around the tent I noticed this black patch on one of the ducting ports at the bottom of the tent. Is it black mold or is it...
  2. Fish scale

    How much H2o2 or Chlorine should I use in my Reservoir?

    Hi guys, I have been hand feeding daily in coco for the last 10 years and I decided to get a 100 liter flexi tank and I am wondering how much h2o2 or chlorine I should use in my reservoir to stop it from going slimey and smelly? And what is the best to use in a reservior? is chlorine or h2o2...
  3. Fish scale

    Hermie plants

    Hi guys, if a hermie plant pollinates it's self will those same hermie traits be passed on to the seeds that the hermie plant produced? :confused:
  4. Fish scale

    Humidity spiking issues

    Hi guys just a quick one. How can I stop my humidity spiking when the lights go off and prevent mold in the late flowering stage? Would another dehumidifier do the trick? Do I need more fans than I've already got? Or do I need an oil filled radiator for when the lights go off? Any help is...
  5. Fish scale


    Is it just me or do you see a monkey smiling with orange hair in my weed and he has a white beard
  6. Fish scale

    My Humidity spikes when the lights go off

    Hi guys, so my humidity has been spiking when the lights go off and I am using a 25 liter dehumidifier right next to the tent and it goes up to 70% humidity when the lights are off even with a decent dehumidifier and I am in the late flowering stage. Today I noticed that 2 of my buds closest to...
  7. Fish scale

    Deficiency in late flower

    Hi guys, over the last week I have noticed a deficiency on the top of one of my plants and it's only getting worse. It is in late flower and not far away from getting chopped. I'm guessing it is a immobile nutrient deficiency since it's on the top of the plant? I'm growing in coco and feeding...
  8. Fish scale

    Run off system

    Hi guys, I am growing in coco and I've got a medusa run off system and it pumps the run off out into a bucket outside of the tent and the run off stinks like farts lol. I'm guessing it's due to stagnant water. I've ran a load of water through the main brains with the pump in and through the...
  9. Fish scale


    Does anyone have any ideas what this deficiency is? I'm guessing it's a Magnesium deficiency? But I'm not 100% sure. Should I raise my EC slightly to try and get rid of the deficiency? or should I raise the PH from 6.0 to 6.5 so the plant can absorb magnesium easier? I could always give her some...
  10. Fish scale

    Urgent help needed please

    Does anyone know what's wrong with this plant? It's grown in coco, feeding daily until run off, PH 6.0, the EC was at 1.0 EC for 2 or 3 weeks and it was growing fine for ages and then it started showing signs of burning up or maybe it's a potassium deficiency? so I started giving it 1.2 EC and...
  11. Fish scale

    Help needed Please

    Hi guys, overall my plants are looking healthy but I noticed something on one of the leaves. I switched to flower 2 or 3 days ago and I'm guessing it's a magnesium or calcium deficiency? Should I use a sprinkle of Epsom salts to try and fix it or should I up my feed to 1.4 EC? My PH is 6.0, The...
  12. Fish scale

    I didn't know where to post this thread so here we are.

    What is the point of life? What is the point of living? Have you ever been so broke that you had no money and nobody really cares what happens to you??? Are you living to die or dying to live? What is the point of all of this?? :confused:
  13. Fish scale

    Urgent help needed

    What is wrong with this plant? It's been treated the same as my other ones and the other ones are fine, I am growing in coco, The PH is 6.0, the E.C is 1.0, Temps are around 27c, The humidity is around 50% - 60%. It looks like nutrient burn but it's not because the EC is only 1.0 and they are...
  14. Fish scale


    Hi guys, I'm about to transplant from 1 liter pots to 12.5 liter air pots and I'm just wondering how much should I water after they are transplanted. Should I water until run off in the new pots? I am in coco. Any help is appreciated :weed:
  15. Fish scale

    LED dimmed to 25%

    Hi guys, I have had my LED light dimmed to 25% for the last 2 or 3 weeks, when should I turn it up to 50%? It's a Lumatek Zeus Pro and it's about 20 inches away from the plants, should I turn it up to 50% and raise the light up a bit? Because I'm kind of confused when I should do it. Any help...
  16. Fish scale

    Green Perlite Coco

    Hi guys, my Perlite is turning green. I am in coco, watering until run off daily. 1 liter plant pots. I'm guessing it's algae and it's not a problem? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Fish scale

    I watered my seedling until run off and this happened

    I watered my seedling until run off and now it's gone like this. It's in coco. PH is 6.0 and EC is 0.7. 1 liter plant pot. Temperate is 25c/77f. I'm guessing it's overwatered and the seedling couldn't hold onto anymore water so the leaves ruptured?