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  1. I

    my first plant

    had a little accident the other day while watering , had a little vertigo episode and fell into the plant and broke the main stem . i tried to patch her up but this morning it was looking really sad , leaves yellowing and curling . so i am going to chop it . its still needed two...
  2. I

    planning my second grow

    my first grow is down to its last 4 weeks or so . its going to be successful but i want to do better . a lot better . in a minimalist way . i have an elcheapo 2x4x5 tent , i have enough confidence in the zipper to use it again . light is a kingled . what i know about it , it...
  3. I

    f$%k ,f$%k. spider mites

    opened the tent and turned the light on today and what did i see , fukn spider mite webs everywhere . is there any way to get these dead before they kill my plants without spending much beyond pocket change
  4. I

    my first grow , its not great

    take it easy on me please . i started this grow about 10 weeks ago without internet , i lost track of the days since then . cheapo 2x4x5 tent , kingled light of unknown wattage . it has two switches one says veg other says flower . grow median is the best dirt i could find in my...