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  1. mambokabui

    How is the color?

    Is this a good mix? I have to wait a few days to chop it and I dont want to go overboard
  2. mambokabui

    Cannabis Life Cycle

    A good read and easy on the eyes
  3. mambokabui

    fun game while being stoned.

    Kartrider is a fun free game that is fun and addicting. you will need to go thru some training but after about five mins you will be let free to go race multiplayer racing like super mario cart but much much better. there is a buddy list that will let you keep up and race with all your friends...
  4. mambokabui

    11 week bud question

    Has anyone ever trimmed some of the leaves from around the bud to let more light in late in the grow? If so what was the outcome? This plant is about to be in its 11 week of flowering with about 10% amber trichomes.
  5. mambokabui

    Trichomes Question x 3

    I got a scope and due to the grow room setup I cannot get close enought to the plants in a safe manner to see in the scope. So I am forced to pinch off a small portion to scope it. what would be the best place to take the pinch from with out hurting the plant? Also how fast does the color...
  6. mambokabui

    Harvest with bugs....spider mites

    I am one to two weeks from harvest and have been fighting spider mites with neem. I dont want to neem anymore due to harvest time getting closer. I see no webs or spiders now but still see eggs under the leafes This is not my pic but this is what i see under the scope but I only have one...
  7. mambokabui

    How long to leave buds on stem for curing?

    If you have a six inch stem with buds on it do you leave the buds on the stem for the curing?
  8. mambokabui


    just was wondering if 60% humidity is ok or too much?
  9. mambokabui

    Give buds a bath?

    I got some plants 3 weeks away from harvest and I think I got some bugs like aphids or some other small bug. I hear about water curing so I was just wondering if a quick bath in a tub of water would remove the bugs and then go on to a regular dry and cure. how bad would this hurt the buds?
  10. mambokabui

    12/12 interupted

    Well the short story is the light got unpluged about 10 mins before it was gonna turn off and stayed umpluged till about 3 hours after it was supost to come on the next day. so will it be ok for me to set the timer back to its original scheldue, and if I do that it will only get 9hours of light...
  11. mambokabui

    Neem in flower mode?

    Can one use neem 5 weeks into flower? If so would it be a bad Idea to turn off the 400w HPS and use a cfl till the leaves dry?
  12. mambokabui

    Should I see crystals ?

    When using a 400w HPS should I see crystals after 4 weeks of flowering. If so what are some of the reasons it wouldnt start to show crystals? Indica and sativa
  13. mambokabui

    Looking for the air cleaning bucket.

    I seen a thread on here somewhere a DIY bucket with a fan mounted on the top of it. The inside of the bucket contained water and a chemical fragrance solution of some sort. I searched the forums but came up with nothing and was wondering if anyone knew what the chemical solution was and where to...
  14. mambokabui

    seeds and paypal?

    just wanted to know if anyone knew if you could buy seeds with paypal?
  15. mambokabui

    stretch question

    I got 2 plants on 12/12 for 10 days now, one of them was 20 inches when I put it in flower and is now streching everyday. It has narrow leaves where the other plant has a wider leave. Both plants are showing good sign of buds all over the plant, but Im afraid the plant will outgrow the room...
  16. mambokabui

    How to take close up pictures with Marco

    I would like to show some tips on taking pictures up close and personal to better help people that need to share close up shots to help with sexing and other problems. Using Macro settings will take close up pictures. For most cameras the Macro icon looks like this Zooming in with the...
  17. mambokabui

    Veg Question

    My friend started some plants about a month ago and the growing went fine and is still going fine. The plants are about 9 inches tall and now are in 3 gallon pots. The lights at first were 2 42w/150w cfls and a 4ft flro. As the early weeks went by he added more and more lights. As the lights...
  18. mambokabui

    is this a male?

  19. mambokabui

    This little guy moved in.

    He snuck in the grow room somehow. I dont think he will be a problem and he will eat most of any bug. Or does anyone think I should get rid of him.
  20. mambokabui

    2 plants Male or Female?

    One of the pictures seems to be male after 4 days of 12/12 The other picture plant I just now put into flowering I think this is a preflower but not sure.