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  1. Weezy F Baby

    Making hash from clippings

    so i just harvested and i was wondering what i should do with all my clippings i wanna make hash but dont have the materials to make bubble hash does anyone have any methods that i should use and or any recommendations of what i should do?
  2. Weezy F Baby

    Two questions (one involing a microwave!)

    Ok so its coming time to harvest soon Question 1 The babes are still a week or two away from when i want to harvest them but i was wonderung if anyone here ever heard of taking a small piece of bud off and popping it into the microwave for a few seconds. then smoking it. Is this possible/ a...
  3. Weezy F Baby

    Chloraseptic spray and a blunt

    I was thinking of spraying this blunt a few times with this chlorraseptic spary for sore throats Anyone know the pro's/cons?
  4. Weezy F Baby

    citque my transplant to new system

    ok, so heres the deal. right now i have a stealth bubbleponics system with one air stone i have 5 plants in it and all have huge roots that reach the resivor what i want to do is take the biggest and maybe the second biggest one too and move them to a 5 gallon setup to allow more room for...
  5. Weezy F Baby

    White mucous on roots

    Ok, so im about 25 days into growing these babies with a bubbleponics system i just took the drip system out since all the roots are real long and have reached well into the resiviour i just had some root rot problem but a little h202 helped fix that now i have a bunch of white, jizz-like...
  6. Weezy F Baby

    The carter and his bubbles

    Hmmm, i think starting a journal will be fun.
  7. Weezy F Baby

    Hmmm root rot

    Well, ive got some spotty areas with my bubbleponics system i am currently trying to get the temp of the water in it to see if that is the cause but too the touch it feels cold What i see on my plants are this: -My plants have one to two very long roots reaching to the bottom...
  8. Weezy F Baby

    Good PH for water in bubbletronics

    A newbie here just wondering where i should be keeping my PH at. I have 5 powerplant (last seed didnt germinate) and just wondering what my PH should be kept at. Also i have one leaf that is turning a little yellow on one plant (all the other leafs are fine) and all the other plants are fine...