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  1. robbinthehood

    Do these ladies look ready for pickin? **PICS**

    what's goin on guys? these ladies are 3 months old today, and have been flowering for a total of 8 weeks. i don't have a microscope to check out the trichs, so i thought i'd get some opinions on whether or not they look like they're ready to be clipped here's some of plant 1's buds: a little...
  2. robbinthehood

    do these ladies look like they're almost ready?

    lots and lots of red hairs showing up lately...she's about 10 weeks old now, so hopefully i can cure her within the next 2 weeks...any advice?
  3. robbinthehood

    should i give up on 1 plant and focus all my lights on the other?

    whats up guys... both of these plants have been flowering for about 2 weeks now, but one is growing MUCH faster than the other. here's a pic so you get the idea: here's a bud site on the tall plant, all the bud sites on this plant are looking good: but here's one on the short plant. none of...
  4. robbinthehood

    Is transplanting more than once bad?

    my plants are a little over a month now, and have already been transplanted once (from plastic cups i used to sprout them to 10'' planting pots) the reason i ask is because when i look at the hole on the bottom of my pots, i can see roots peeking through. i'm thinking maybe if i switch to a 5...
  5. robbinthehood

    Rollitup help me sex!! i think i'm a proud father v.UPCLOSEPICS

    alright so i've got 3 plants total right now. i switched them to flowering a little over a week ago i believe. i think today they've shown their sexes, but i'm a first time grower and don't know all that well what they look like. i THINK that plant 1 and 2 are females, and 3 is a male, but you...
  6. robbinthehood

    Ready for flowering?? PICS

    alright, my babies are just a few days away from being a full month old, but i was wondering if they looked like they should begin flowering now rather than waiting a few days...heres a few pics to help determine both of them stalk of one stalk of the other well, time for flowering? yes? no?
  7. robbinthehood

    Droopy plants...please help..PICS

    i'm not sure what's happened over the last day or so, but my plants seem to be drooping quite a bit more than they were yesterday, and some of the bottom leaves seem to be dying off... what can cause this problem? Pics for reference. also, plants are about 3 to 3.5 weeks old, have been under...
  8. robbinthehood

    CFL First Timer, check it out

    -started with about 10 sprouts, picked the best 3. -using 9 23w cfls (23 is the highest lowes carries :( ) 6 of the 9 are 6500k and the other 3 are 3000k - they were planted on Jan 27 or 28 here's one of the fellas on the 9th of Feb here's all 3 as of today - - the back 2 are receiving the...
  9. robbinthehood

    Will 3000k work for flowering?

    went to get a bunch of 2700s today for when i start vegging in a few weeks, but they didnt have any. i ended up getting a bunch of 3000ks instead. i figured a 300k difference isnt enough to change much about the way the plant flowers will the 3000ks work for flowering?
  10. robbinthehood

    Quick Nutrients Question

    my babies are about 3 weeks old now, so i think it's time to start adding some nutes... am i correct in this assumption? Which nutrients do I need to make sure to get? I plan on just going to a local nursery or lowes today to get them. does anyone know if lowes carries any plant nutrients?
  11. robbinthehood

    Quick trimming question

    my babies are about 3 weeks old now, and the first set of leaves on the bottom are unable to get any light now and are beginning to get droopy and shriveling a bit my question is, should i clip these bottom sets off to help promote new growth elsewhere?
  12. robbinthehood

    Will my plants flower in time? also, light schedule question

    my apartment lease ends in june, and i'll be moving to another place nearby once june comes around. my plants are about 10 days old now is 4 more months long enough to finish the entire vegging/flowering cycles so i can harvest before i move out? or will i need a little more time? also, i've...
  13. robbinthehood

    is it time to transplant?

    my sprouts are a week old now and have been under 24/7 lighting thus far. tonight i am switching them to an 18/6 schedule until it's time for flowering. all my sprouts are in solo cups, but i don't know how soon i should be transplanting them to larger pots.. some of the leaves are wide enough...
  14. robbinthehood

    a few quick, simple questions

    to start out...this is my first grow. i have a few questions as of now since ive never done this, i put in ~20 seeds for germinatin, and have 10 planted so far that cracked out of the shells and began growing the root tip. so far, 3 of them have sprouted. i only plan on growing 2, maybe 3...