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  1. African Herbsman

    Secrets of the trade

    This is the tricks of the trade thread. Post any little tricks that you know. An example is molasses in water makes denser buds. Anything that makes your plant grow better.
  2. African Herbsman

    Ashes, compost, animals

    Hey everyone I was wondering a couple things about soil. 1. will wood ashes work as a soil mixture 2. will compost help with growth 3. if i put a dead animal at the bottom of the pot and cover it with soil will it help make the weed grow faster and stronger thanx
  3. African Herbsman


    i have 2 plants that look like they are lacking the bushiness that plants usually look like also i am worried because they are flowering do they look right?
  4. African Herbsman

    My plants not enough light

    hey everyone my plants arent getting enough light can someone tell me what type of light i should use for 2 plants during the flowering stage that would be greatly appreciated also if there is any little secrets that will help my buds grow a little better that would be helpful also thanx
  5. African Herbsman

    Yo Help!

    Hello everyone i have a dumb question but i took my friends plants that barley started to sprout and i was windering how offten should i water them.
  6. African Herbsman

    Save Darfur

    Ok hello everyone. I was wondering what everyone thinks about the situation in Darfur. Should we help or should we just sit back and watch?
  7. African Herbsman

    We need to stand up and fight

    i had the same thread before but i tihnk it was in the wrong place Hello, everyone. How are you all? Ok right down to buisness. We need to make a deminstration to show the government that the people want it and how they could profit out of it. I am from Vermont and currently live there...
  8. African Herbsman

    Legalize It

    Hello, everyone. How are you all? Ok right down to buisness. We need to make a deminstration to show the government that the people want it and how they could profit out of it. I am from Vermont and currently live there and I feel that something needs to be done about this harmless plant...