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  1. TyDeF

    Need Advice ASAP

    So here's the situation and I'm getting a bit stressed about what to do. I have a basement grow that I start about 3 weeks ago. This is my 4th grow. I hooked up my 4 x 1000w MH last monday, three days ago after transplanting the seedlings into 7 gallon pots. I have a total of 36 plants...
  2. TyDeF

    Ready to Flush?

    Tried getting some closeups on my plants today... This is my first grow and I want to flush for over a week. Do these look ready to start flushing? Don't want to start to early and affect sugar leaves and such... They are around 7 weeks into flower
  3. TyDeF

    One plant out of 12... How does Everything look?

    I am growing in a aeroponics setup using the lucas formula slightly modified and most of my plants I think look good. One of the 12 in my setup has yellowing leaves which appear to be from a K deficiency... If it makes any difference the plant that is yellowing is the White Rhino Since they...
  4. TyDeF

    Will I Run Out of Room?

    My first grow and while I'm happy with how the plants are doing, I obviously made the mistake of letting them stay in veg to long. Right not the plants are about 2 1/2 ft. starting from the top of my 5 gal buckets and there is only 1 1/2 ft. left to the bulb. I could probably move the bulbs...
  5. TyDeF

    HELP! Termites??

    I just checked on my outdoor grow and one of the plants was completely knocked over... I had no clue what happened and at first worried someone had been out there and stepped on the plant. After pulling the entire root ball out in an effort to save it I noticed lots of little termites next...
  6. TyDeF

    Deficiency? Excess?

    I have a 12 plant aeroponic setup. Most of my plants seem to be doing well with the nutrient levels that I have in my reservoir, but 2 of them have some weird symptoms. One has weird yellowed patterns over all the leaves, and the other has just one small leaf section with dark green malformed...
  7. TyDeF

    Short Plants...

    Just wanted some input on my plants... Most pics I see of plants at a similar age (3-4 weeks) seem to be much taller than mine are. They look healthy and are growing pretty quick, but instead of getting taller, they just keep growing new shoots one right after the other. Should I pull the...
  8. TyDeF

    Color of Roots

    I'm in week three of my veg and when inspecting the roots in my aeroponics setup I noticed some of the roots are green in the center, and some have a light brown color. I know white is a sign of healthy roots... but should I be worried about the light green?
  9. TyDeF

    Seedlings First Leaves Browned with Bumps

    Hey guys, This is my first grow so I have a question about several of the new sprouts. I know that it can be normal for the first two embro leaves to yellow and fall off, but is it normal for the second two leaves to do so first? Could I have the t5 bulbs too close? I have kept a...