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    RIP peakseedsbc, amazing work and genetics and true breeding Mike shared with us all at unbelievable pricing. Truly selfless and honorable Breeder. He did some much for the cannabis community and to the preservation of his fine genotypes. Best of luck to you, godspeed Mike ! A pic of Mike's fine...
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    favorite 90s strains

    @KronikGenes I remember that bc hp like it was yesterday but was around late 90's early 2000. That hp was out of this world good. Id do just about anything if I could get it today !!! The bud was dark and dank as hell. So compact, tight and just dripping in resion with very little pistols on it...
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    Cutting issues, brown gunk on them

    Your kidding right ? Heisenberg went on and on how it worked for him and so many others did too. Man oh man am I ever grateful for that thread. Totally honestly solved my night mare that I couldn't shake. I am using it as of today and have for years and it is totally working for me. My plants...
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    Cutting issues, brown gunk on them

    @crimsonecho Its true. Brown algea is hell and back to fight. I have and use lake water for my rdwc. I had brown algea and root rot problems for a long time. I researched for ever, tried every sterile solution from sterilizing every thing and using calcium hypoclorite, h202, uc roots to the...
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    Cutting issues, brown gunk on them

    Well just making sure u are indeed using city chlorinated water. Anyway no need to let it sit for 2 days if your turning around and putting UC roots in it. UC roots is hypochlorous acid which is what chlorine breaks down to. Your running sterile anyway. Like I said I tried everything whether...
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    Cutting issues, brown gunk on them

    Chlorinated tap water ?
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    Rooting Hormone for Transplanting

    No shit ! Couldn't have been said better !! :clap:
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    How long has it been growing from seed ? And how long has it been flowering ? Looks like another month to go from those pics.
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    I forgot the TX? Lol
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    What is dtw in coco ? Yes organic does seem to taste a little better. But I think it depends on the flush of hydro, and drying and the cure makes a huge difference. Believe it or not I get alot of surprised faces when people say how sweet and smooth my bud is and I tell them it's hydro. Not...
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    Cutting issues, brown gunk on them

    It could depend on water source, is it tap well lake reverse osmosis ? temp of water ? Nutrients ? Light leaks ? How much bubble action do you have going ? I'll tell u I use rdwc and had root issues and brown algae issues for ever. Tried everything and I mean everything, never gave up and the...
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    K deficiency or Nutrient burn?

    I am no expert either. But imo I'd say it looks hungry as well. And being for weeks into flower I'd say it's either K or P deficiency.
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    Cloning questions

    Starving for water. Do they have roots yet ? What do the roots look like ? I would think at this stage they would still have very little root mass, can't take up enough water for those leaves. First of all cut back on the leaves. Leave 3 or 4 leaves at most on top. Then mist the leaves couple...
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    Why are leaves drooping?

    Is your soil overly wet, seedlings need very little water in soil. You need very little moisture around that seedling. And in that size of pot could easily over water. Leaves drooping like that is usually a sign of not enough oxygen = over watered and very easy to do in a pot that size. Imo
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    Best ways to grow !!

    Just curious what methods have you grown ? And how do you prefer to grow ? I am in rdwc right now and have done just dwc, nf, bubble ponics and the good old organic super soil. By far the best growth for me has been rdwc without it problems of course. Grows f-in tree trunks and 2 litre bottle...
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    @ crimson @ budman @ mudballs @ turbobuzz Just curious how you guys grow or what ways and how do you prefer to grow ? I am in rdwc right now and have done just dwc, nf, bubble ponics and the good old organic super soil. By far the best growth for me has been rdwc without it problems of course...
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    Here is some bud porn of my prized BW !!
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    It's all good. I'll try helping out more instead of just lurking all the time. I never really did, for not wanting to give bad or wrong info. U see it all the time. When someone unknowingly gives out bad information. But I am sure for the most part it is not maliciously.
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    Hermaphrodite or not ??

    If nothing else will be a good thread for people to see what a hermaphrodite could look like lol