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  1. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok so things went from being ok to horrible in a short amount of time.. I had to go out of town for a wedding I came back late last night and checked on them this morning it appears as the main exhaust fan died and the box has been hotter than Hell its self. They were being watered on a Bi-Daily...
  2. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Just finished with the watering.. Did a thorough search no balls which makes me :D . Had some browning on one leaf at the top but I think that was from the lights getting to close so I remedied that by raising the top a little. I also added 2 desk lamps in the bottom of the box. I used the 6500k...
  3. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    well woke up this morning to some bad plants.. 2 of the 3 have gone hermi.. Lots of little ball sacks.. I do have 1 that while its not the biggest plant.. it doesn't have balls.
  4. GhostGrower

    Did my plant go hermi?

    I took out my ladies to water them this morning and I noticed these little pods below all the bud points. They look like male preflowers but I don't wanna chop her if they aren't. I've been in flower for 27 days.
  5. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok well made some changes to the grow room to give me some more height and that seems to have helped a lot. I did notice that on all the plants the top like 6 stems of fan leaves are red on top but green on bottom (pic 4) I was thinking it could be temp issues at night the box gets down to upper...
  6. GhostGrower

    Space issues any ideas

    Ok so I'm at Day 23 flower and day 46 total. I have about 34"H x 39"W x 64"D . The height issue has been resolved, but now I'm starting to see a lot of overlapping with the fan leaves on the other plants and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for resolving this. I've read some about...
  7. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok back from a weekend away and wow the growth has been amazing. All the plants are about 1.5 ft tall with lots of bud sites. I'm starting to wonder if I could safely remove some fan leaves without majorly hurting the plants? I made some changes to the grow box, i removed the bottom tub and have...
  8. GhostGrower

    My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL

    Looking good man, i have a very similar grow. Hope it keeps going well for you.
  9. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok so it seems like its been a few days since I updated. Had a little scare when watering them yesterday plant B(pic2) all her leaves were super droopy and soil was bone dry gave her a liter of water over a few minutes so the soil would soak in as much as possible. Plant E(pic3) is showing sex...
  10. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    I ended up with 3 females. They are looking strong, gotta get them out for some fresh water soon and to make some adjustments to the grow box to accommodate the height they are going to get.
  11. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok, well the plants are all about 7" from the bottom of the lights which is concerning because I know I still have a lot of growing left. I'm wondering if I could start a scrog of some sort to stop them from getting to much closer to the lights. Any feedback would be great.
  12. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok so I'm 12 days into flowering and have only had 2 show sex... at what point should I start worrying about the other plants? edit: Ok cancel that woke up this morning and 2 others showed female and one showed male. thats all of them. Pretty stoked. And here is a pic of my 2nd male pic 2, and...
  13. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Just plucked my first male from the box. Two balls on about ever node. So Im down to 1 female and 3 non showers so far. I've slow come to realized all my errors during this grow. I've started a list of things to start while in veg and things to start while in flower.. first things first less...
  14. GhostGrower

    First Grow - New Upd8 - FeedBack PLS

    Yeah those are looking much better. Glad you were able to figure it out. Good luck
  15. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    So I woke up after getting like 12 hrs of sleep.. Long weekend. I checked my babies and was surprise by these little pistols sticking out of plant B (pic 1) I checked the others and they all have what look like areas where pistols will be coming out of as they match the faq pic female after...
  16. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok just got back into town and wow they have grown alot in the last 3 days. They all have about 5 alt. nodes now, I'm starting to keep an eye on the top nodes for sex, I'm hoping to find out this week because I'm really running out of room. I have a few that kind of look to have pistols but then...
  17. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Ok well here we are Day 28.. never thought I'd make it this far. The babies are all looking very amazing when I checked them this AM. They are all a very nice green but seem to have lost some of the smell :!: . I picked up the nutes as I said went with the recommended FF soil nute pack. Doing...
  18. GhostGrower

    Simple nutes question.

    Yeah from all the reading and comparing I'm going to go with the Fox Farm trio Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and Grow Big. I have a hydro store a few miles from my house. Thanks for the info for my next grow I might look into making my own, but for now I'll stick to store bought.
  19. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Yeah, I read that same thread, but alot of people say you can start it later and get the same affect. Plus it produces more bud spots. I read this thread on topping and training. Its very indepth check it out. But thanks for the info...
  20. GhostGrower

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    Welp day 2 of flowering the babies are looking good. Going to pick up the nutes in the next few days I decided to go with the Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom as a pair. I had a slight heat issue, but was easily resolved and plants are looking better. I let them get a little dry so I gave them...