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  1. B

    How much uv-a?

    thank you very much for the help. I ended up using about 26w since i dont have the right driver yet so they are drived pretty soft. main light is about 1400w on 4x8. I am in middle of the flowering period right now so too late to introduce in veg. my plan now is to start the uv today with 30min...
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    How much uv-a?

    thank you. so you recommend to keep it on as long as the main light is on for the whole period? (do not have sunrise or sunset so no dimming)
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    How much uv-a?

    Hi guys.. and maybe gals :) I need some help to decide and to understand how much UV diodes to add to my build. I can't seem to find a definitive watt per square meter or foot quantity as I can find for far red, for example. I have a bunch of LG 365nm and 385nm diodes and I want to add them to...
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    i'm sorry but it did not answer my question. still want opinions on if the spectrum is right.. if the mix of diodes is good.. if any one have experience with this particular board.. and if I should go full room with these boards or should I mix it with other boards.
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    still looking for opinions on the spectrum or if anyone has experience with this particular board...
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Hello every body I didn't get an answer from a thread I've opened so maybe I'll get it here... as I was told that there are LED pros in this forum. I need a quick opinion on a board I'm about to buy. some specs: LM301B 4000K SL: 164pcs; LM301B 2700K SJ: 92pcs; Cree XPE 660nm: 12pcs; Cree...
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    well... Air walker made 2 mistakes and that was my reply. but he actually tried to answer my question.. who would have thunk what did you bring to this conversation?
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    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Hello every body I didn't get an answer from a thread I've opend so maybe I'll get it here... as I was told that there are LED pros in this forum. I need an opinion on a board I'm about to buy. some specs: LM301B 4000K SL: 164pcs; LM301B 2700K SJ: 92pcs; Cree XPE 660nm: 12pcs; Cree XPE...
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    have you heard of parallel? :) and its 119v
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    I'm more interested in opinions on the spectrum and if its a good mix of diodes. in the photo is the alleged spectrum of this board
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    don't have these parameters at the moment but I'm looking at hlg-240h-c2100 as the seller suggested.. is that my only option?
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    Need opinion on QB with IR and UV

    Hello every body I need your opinion on a board I consider to buy. some specs: LM301B 4000K SL: 164pcs; LM301B 2700K SJ: 92pcs; Cree XPE 660nm: 12pcs; Cree XPE 730nm: 2pcs; LG UV 380nm:2pcs. 120w 110-114v I would love to get some input on this mix of diodes and spectrum and also what...
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    Help with dimming multiple drivers

    thank you for the replies. my question definitely got answered and I've learned a few things:clap:
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    Help with dimming multiple drivers

    Hello friends. I cant seem to find a definitive answer to my question so I hope you guys can help. how can I dim smoothly 6 HLG-240h-48b drivers with one device such as a dimmer or maybe something smarter but cheap? will a 16.5k ohm potentiometer work?? Also.. I'm planing a build with the...