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  1. ImNewToAllThis

    Lighting suggestions?

    You have any prebuilt boards that you can suggest ? I don’t want to mess with that DIY stuff :cry:, don’t want to end up messing the whole thing up ,knowing my luck lol
  2. ImNewToAllThis

    Lighting suggestions?

    Im new to growing and I want an opinion from you guys that know a lot more than me. I want an LED light no more than $110 I currently got a vivosun 300w but Im wanting something more for flowering 1-2 plants mainly one. The Vivosun can veg out a plant but i don’t know about flowering out a...
  3. ImNewToAllThis

    Need feedback please! Pictures of my Pineapple Chunk included !

    Honestly you don’t have to prune much if it’s growing outside it’s looking good just take care of it from now on , it’s looking good!
  4. ImNewToAllThis

    Need feedback please! Pictures of my Pineapple Chunk included !

    Is it being grown outdoor or indoor?
  5. ImNewToAllThis

    Opinions let me know what y’all think!

    Is that supposed to be a compliment or what Lmaoo , im confused
  6. ImNewToAllThis

    Opinions let me know what y’all think!

    Not necessarily needing help just opinions on how I can improve my grows and what u think about it
  7. ImNewToAllThis

    Opinions let me know what y’all think!

    I started my first grow on May 7th 2019 , with a sort of cheap setup costing me below $120. Starting with a cheap VIVOSUN 300w light (135w from the wall) from Amazon costing $80 but it was on sale so I got it for $65, for my soil I used miracle gro , yes ik miracle gro:wall: Im planning on...
  8. ImNewToAllThis


    Turned out to be a male it sucks because that plant smelled good too :(, I cut it down after I got back from vacation but oh well atleast my other plant has the light all to itself now ty all
  9. ImNewToAllThis


    I don’t know if I should toss it out or keep it , It seems to be a male but I want you guys opinion since this is one of my first times growing.
  10. ImNewToAllThis

    Flowering 1 month from germination?

    Ok I’ll stop the LST and let them be thanks all for the help. I’ll keep y’all updated :).
  11. ImNewToAllThis

    Flowering 1 month from germination?

    so my I germinated this plant a month ago on 05/7/19 and it seems like it’s starting to flower , idk if it’s too early or just on time it’s a bag seed so knowing exactly what it is , is a mystery. Don’t know if I should still be doing LST or stop doing it.
  12. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    I’ll be giving it a try Doesnt look too hard
  13. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    Yea I have a plant next to that one which I think is an auto flower since it showed its sex like 2 weeks from germination that I topped and it worked but the plant in the pictures is the one we’re the top didn’t go as planned so I was just wondering if I should trim off those leafs which were...
  14. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    Ok gotcha thanks for the info really helps cuz I was confused on if I should or not. Much love stay safe bro
  15. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    Ok thanks. Also should I removed the big fan leaves since they touch the soil I’ll probably just let them be since the plant is small but I wanna get an opinion on someone more experienced.
  16. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    No its when I tried to top them but it just grew the leafs out and continued growing up with one main stem
  17. ImNewToAllThis

    Should I trim ?

    im a new grower so I don’t know if I should trim off these weird lookin leafs to help get better light to other new growing leaves lower in the plant or just leave them be. It could be that the light is too close and not letting the plants stretch but you guys tell me. Ty
  18. ImNewToAllThis

    Is this normal?

    Gotcha and thanks
  19. ImNewToAllThis

    Is this normal?

    The thing is I don’t know if their auto flowers lol it’s a bag seed