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  1. J

    Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    Time to end "the military." Time to end "the federal gov't." Then we could eliminate all of this nonsense.
  2. J


    Seems reasonable but you'll need a lot of silver to make enough for a down payment on real estate. I think the best you can hope for is a $10/oz gain. I use it to hedge against inflation. I bought into the stock market last Jan., made 50% then cashed out and bought a house. But at that time...
  3. J

    Walmart. What Do You Think?

    I love Walmart. They provide me with the products I want at the price I want them at. They employ millions of people not just in the USA but the world around. People that might not have jobs otherwise. People bitch about wages but those people are willing to work for it, so it must be good for...
  4. J

    Obama's Debate Against the GOP

    I thought it was a constitutional argument and all of those instances are in direct contradiction with the founding documents. The bottom line is that congress must declare war otherwise the conflict and military expenditure is illegal. It doesn't matter who orders it or for what reason. Oh...
  5. J

    The Fascist's Are Having A Bad Day...

    How are all laws enforced? Any law, mandate or ordinance has violence as it's ultimate end.
  6. J


    Silver is poised for big jump. It's in higher demand for it's practical uses in an industrial sense. Silver is great buy right now. In all reality you should diversify, some of both won't hurt. Besides, in comparison, Silver is cheap and more available to the everyday working man with an...
  7. J

    A Pro Palin thread

    A good day for gold purchases too! Great markets all around. Real estate anyone?
  8. J

    Obama's Debate Against the GOP

    He sent troops into Somalia, Pakistan and bombed Yemen for starters. He expanded the unconstitutional Patriot Act that you rail against Bush for. Obama continues the Bush policy on 'extraordinary rendition' while engaging in political theater when making a bunch of noise about Guantanamo Bay...
  9. J

    what is happening to this country?

    There might be 5 times the tar in a joint than a cigarette but that doesn't make weed worse. First a cigarette smoker smokes about 20+ cigs a day. Second, weed doesn't have cyanide and all the other chemicals or carcinogens (cancer causing agents) that cigarettes have. At any rate, it's never...
  10. J

    Looking for potting mix recipe. pros please assist

    I use 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 peat. I add bat guano, blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal and dolomite lime. Hope that helps.
  11. J

    my weed smells of old grass

    It sounds like mildew. Not good. You should dry them for a few days by hanging them in the dark until they appear mostly dry on the outside. Then begin the curing process as explained above.
  12. J

    No Exhaust available

    Why not remove the door and make a temporary door (plywood or something) that you can put holes in. When you move out or tear down, replace the original door.
  13. J

    HTG = GREAT CUSTOMER service

    Sometimes it says 'in process' and the package is already in my possession. Did you get your email with your tracking number?
  14. J

    HTG = GREAT CUSTOMER service

    This has been my experience as well.
  15. J

    HTG = GREAT CUSTOMER service

    But they don't do international shipments
  16. J

    HTG = GREAT CUSTOMER service
  17. J

    HTG = GREAT CUSTOMER service

    I bought a 600w system from them a while back and within a month the bulb blew. I called and they replaced it under warranty and sent it out the same day since I wasn't smart enough to buy a spare and was worried about going back to fluorescents (stretching). I was only down 2 days. They got it...
  18. J

    How do I connect my ballast to bulb?

    You need a mogul socket with a chord to connect to your ballast. Then you'll need to figure out how to mount the socket in your box/room. The people at the store should've told you this when you purchased it. It seems odd to me that they let you walk out with a bulb and a ballast without a...
  19. J

    Reprocutions Heat + Humidity

    Doesn't sound like you have a heat or humidity problem. 80% is a little higher than I'd prefer but it isn't going to kill your plants. Is it possible that you're over watering? Drooping leaves happen when they're transpiring more water than they're absorbing, which can happen with over watering...
  20. J

    Easy Roll Light Hangers

    Leave the nut a little looser on the lighter side