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    how soon can you clone?

    i dont exactly know the answer to this question, but id geuss that you could start cloning as soon as u have good strong green branches with nice leaves of them. i would recommend getting something to promote the growth of roots, seeing as how i have tried cloning before, and havent had any luck...
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    thanks for trying to help, but the link doesnt work
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    newbie to hydroponics, need a little help please?

    Thanks Al, do you have any links to show how to setup those systems or anything?
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    newbie to hydroponics, need a little help please?

    i am completely new to hydroponics, and i was wondering what the cheapest, and easiest method is for a beginner, and if i were to crush up tylenol with codine, and mix it in the water, if it would do anything to the plants to make a better buzz, or if it would harm the plants at all.:blsmoke:
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    hey, im going to start a hydroponic system soon, my first hydroponic grow, and i was wondering if any of you have any advice on what method to use, and what nutes i need for the water, and also, a legit site to buy good seeds from thats discreet, as i live in the u.s.?:blsmoke::joint:
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    Just how badly does it stink?

    as most everyone else has said, the smell, and how bad it smells varies from different types of plants, and also, i have found that diffrent methods can make the smell change a little bit, if you are living in an apartment building, and have no sense of smell, i wouldnt reccomend growing, you...
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    Losing one of the girls! Help! Any advice?

    i think your plants pretty much dead, if your plants are flowering, i would seperate them all if you cant determine sex, if you have a male and female together, you are going to have shitty weed, with seeds and shit in it, but, thats up to you. may there always be a nug in your bowl
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    My seeds have sprouted....

    yeah, i would just go buy fertilizer, and soil from like, a walmart or something. ur in the u.s. there has to be a walmart somwheres close to where you live. ive tried growing in soil that i dug up from outside, it doesnt work, best bet is miracl-gro soil, and some fertilizer. may there...
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    build a grow closet

    very impressive video, i never would have thought to do something like this, and you would never suspect anything other than clothes was in it, i think many people are going to find this helpful with the next crop they decide to grow, i know i sure am. thanks a lot video. may there always be a...
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    Just need a little advice(lighting) for my growroom please

    first off, i think 6 is a little overkill, now when they start budding, you are gonna want to get a timer, and set it to exactly 12/12, if youre growroom is set up correctly, and you have something lining it for good reflection, one or two lights should be fine may there always be a nug in...
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    growing kits.hydroponics, areoponics, soil??

    growing in a garage is not a good idea, you need a very clean, and well ventilated grow room, i have no idea how much it would cost for you, but i know that i can set up a decent simple hydroponic system with a 10 gallon fish tank, to hold 4 plants for about 56 dollars, if this is of any help to...
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    Soil Growing In a 50 gallon Fish Tank

    you have overkill on lights, and blacklights dont work, everytime ive grown, i havent gotten much luck soaking seeds, from what ive done, ive found it just damages seeds, if you have a fish tank, you might as well just do a simple hydroponic system, its easy and cheep, you already have the tank...
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    5 gallon bucket

    yeah, the bucket idea is a good idea as long as you bury the bucket, id dig up a whole a little bigger then the bucket, and put my own soil kinda loosely around the bucket with holes in it (do NOT forget the holes). so that way, when the water drains out, it was somewhere to go, instead of just...