5 gallon bucket


Active Member
hello all! i have found a groovy place to grow but the soil is bad :-|. So i plan i growing in some 5 gallon buckets. IS it wise to plant more then one seed per bucket? i heard by planting more then one seed you can control the height. i dont want the plants to be super high. also my friend claimed he got feminized jamancian seeds, would this be okay to use in midwest weather? i plan i planting 5 plants becuase in illinios 5 plants or less is a misdomeanor! FUCK YAH! thanks all! :peace:


New Member
well dood a bucket outsiede "ive said this like 30 times" a bucket is easyer to spot than a plant ud be better of plotting ur own soil there if u catch my drift


Well-Known Member
ya id go with one plant per bucket and instead of using bucket i think i would just dig a hole and fill it with my own soil


Active Member
cool...i like the idea of controlling my plants to about 5ft..ive heard its about a foot a gallon? also i think the bucket would help contain water. I would bury the buckets flush in the ground as well :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
put holes in the bottom of the bucket. very important. need drainage or your roots will rot.


Well-Known Member
some large gravel at the bottom keeps the holes from clogging, most plants will be limited to 4-5 feet in a normal 5 gallon bucket, you can bury your buckets, making them less obvious but more easily moved if detection is imenent.


Active Member
yeah, the bucket idea is a good idea as long as you bury the bucket, id dig up a whole a little bigger then the bucket, and put my own soil kinda loosely around the bucket with holes in it (do NOT forget the holes). so that way, when the water drains out, it was somewhere to go, instead of just hitting the hard packed soil, and kinda being stuck in limbo between the soil in the bucket, and the hard soil, causing the roots to rot, and plus, it gives it a little better venitilation, good idea, just needed some mods. have fun.

may there always be a nug in your bowl.


Well-Known Member
yeah root rot sucks, i have lost more than a few seedlings too it due to lack of drainage....


Well-Known Member
When i put grow bags outside I dig a small hole 1st...not the entire depth of the grow bag but about 12 inches or so down. I stay away from buckets so I don't have to water as much...just cut a hole in the bottom of the growbag..and roll out