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  1. xXGun4HyreXx

    How About Coolest Ppl u WISH U'd Smoked With (dead/alive)?

    Bob Marley, without a doubt. I also really wanna smoke weed with Rob Van Dam one day.
  2. xXGun4HyreXx

    Comedy that makes u lol the most when stoned? (movie or t.v)

    Harold and Kumar 1 + 2, anything directed by Judd Apatow/starring Seth Rogen, Trailer Park Boys, Family Guy, South Park, the Simpsons, UnderGrads, stand-up, anything I can find on TV.
  3. xXGun4HyreXx

    Mc Donalds

    I remember a little while back, my friend came into town, and so whenever he comes down for a weekend or whatever, we spend the entire weekend getting baked. Anyways, it was about 5 PM and since it was at the beginning of December, it was already dark out. Now, personally, I absolutely love...
  4. xXGun4HyreXx

    Busted When I Was in High School ha!

    That seems like a lot of trouble just for having a bit of pot on you at school. At my high school, they'd just take it, call your parents and you'd be suspended for a little while, depending on whether it was your first, second, third or fourth offense. I swear, in grade 11, I went to class...
  5. xXGun4HyreXx

    Stoner Nachos

    I usually just get a huge bag of Tostitos, pour em all onto a plate, grate some cheese, pour it all over the nachos, then microwave it for like a minute and a half.
  6. xXGun4HyreXx

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    I puked smoking weed once. It was in the tenth grade on a Friday night. Me and my friends left school at the end of the day, bought some weed, saw some people down at the forest by the school that everyone blazed at, got a huge group together, pooled our pot together and smoked a little bit...
  7. xXGun4HyreXx

    Best Food When High

    mcdonalds pizza kraft dinner ramen chipz cookies apples chicken ice cream
  8. xXGun4HyreXx

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Okay, so here's somewhat of a long story, so brace yourself.. When I was sixteen, my best friend used to come into town usually about one weekend every month (he moved to a town an hour away after fifth grade) and we would spend the entire weekend getting fucking baked. Sometimes, his...
  9. xXGun4HyreXx

    Best Game While Stoned!

    I just played Halo 3 baked today So much fun.
  10. xXGun4HyreXx

    All-time Favorite Stoner Movie?

    Damn I gotta check that out. Mine are Harold and Kumar 1 & 2. It's mine and my friend's movie. I'm Harold, and he's Kumar.
  11. xXGun4HyreXx

    McDonalds..The Adventure..

    I do that a lot. Nothing beats a Double Big Mac stoned =]
  12. xXGun4HyreXx

    Your First Joint

    I was 15, and on a traintrack with like 3 other friends. We had like 2 joints, and since there was lots of snow we didn't think a train would come. We were wrong. My friend yells "FUCKING TRAIN!" So we leap out of the way and almost get hit.
  13. xXGun4HyreXx

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Just "get fucked, get baked" Also, I hate it when people say "hoots" instead of "hits"
  14. xXGun4HyreXx


    Anything at McDonald's, Subway, and Twix bars.
  15. xXGun4HyreXx

    First Memorable Stoner Moment

    Not even close to being my first, but a while ago me and my friends were smoking joints on a train track, and since there was snow out we didn't think a train would come by, but about 5 minutes later, I hear my friend shout "FUCKING TRAIN!" as loud as he can (which is funny, cuz he's quiet when...
  16. xXGun4HyreXx

    Lucky Stoner Stories Anyone ?

    Me, and my friends James, Chris and Matt were all at Chris's house. We were going to go down to a forest down the street to smoke some weed that we stole from Chris's dad's closet. But before that, Matt comes up with the idea of making a waterfall bong and just smoking that for a couple of...
  17. xXGun4HyreXx

    Great Stoner Quotes

    A few days ago I was stoned with my friends Matt and Julius. We just came out from a little path after getting baked out of our minds. So, we're walking down the street, and I turn around and see Julius waving at a window so I'm like, "Dude, Julius, why are you waving at that window!?" and he...
  18. xXGun4HyreXx

    fave food when u have the munchies?

    French fries.
  19. xXGun4HyreXx

    Anyone Song That Gets You Strangely Absorbed When You're High?

    Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi Great song. Even better stoned.
  20. xXGun4HyreXx

    Best Game While Stoned!

    Rock Band 2. I was stoned today and I played it on drums with my friend who was playing guitar. I've never had so much fun playing a video game in my life.