McDonalds..The Adventure..

NYC Diesel

New Member
Well one day me and some friends baked out our friends car. Having smoked some fat ass joints and not being able to see very well we just chilled for a while. And like every weed adventure, the munchies hit us like a bunch of blind people walking into a concrete wall. So it was settled, off to McDonalds for the ripped idiots! (luckily the driver didnt smoke with us, or i might not have been here to tell the story) When we finally got to the drive-thru, there was no line so we just started ordering right away.

About 5 minutes went by and the man with the microphone probably only made out these phrases, "CHEESEBURGER!hAMBURGER!COKE!SPRITE!CHICKEN SELECTS!... MY EARPHONE! MUNCHIES! FRIES!" For about another 2 mintues we just sat there still not ordering and couldnt stop laughing, it was pretty funny. We were lucky nobody came out and made us move, because there was now a huge line forming behind us haha. Our driver then finally told us to tell him what we wanted one at a time, which failed all but the last of 5 tries. After about another 5 minutes of confusion, we finally got the order in!!!

But the story didnt end there..we still had to pay. Somewhere here i think i lost like 5 dollars in the exchange, but we all ended up paying 10 dollars each. Dont even ask me how we distributed the food, i think i actually got a few bites of random crap before my food actually got to me.

Then we sat there and munchied the fuck out of our McDonald's meals...good times man, good times.