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  1. D

    my first grow check it out

    i am going to buy some inline fans and a blower on friday so ill let you know how much it helps. but yeah i bought some 4" inline duct fan and its crap it doesn't really do much unless it's really cold outside.
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    my first grow check it out

    thats kind of my setup, i just got a clip on fan but i have a cheap reflector. just letting you know you should be careful that light will burn up ur plants if not ventilated right. did you buy the la con seed or are they clones? ive been looking for clones but cant find them.
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    ....f@cking US goverment

    i doubt were gonna have cannabis legalized in the u.s., do you know what that would mean? think of how much money they goverment would loose not giving ppl tickets and how cops we wont have out there trying to bust ppl for weed. also what would be the point of having a drug dealer or being a...
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    with apartments you better be sure the landlord or manager or handyman/woman doesnt intrude or have any reason to go in there. im cool with the manager and handyman is a stoner so im good with whatever i do in mine, plus they always let me know when they need to go in for anything and ask for my...
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    Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP

    i remember when i first started, my mom didnt approve but since i kept my grades up and did everything i was supposed to she let me grow. now i have a job and buy my own stuff and pay rent, seriously i understand how ppl feel about this since i had to hear it everyday when i first started but...
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    Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP

    dont grow in ur parents house, unless they are cool with it. im honest with my parents specially when they wanted to know what was in the boxes the ups guy dropped off but either way they dont like what im doing but wont tell me to stop as long as it doesnt cause trouble for anyone(specifacally...
  7. D question

    yes they are a reliable company, some of the best customer service i have ever seen in my opinion.
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    duct fan suggestions?

    i've had my light for maybe 6 months, not sure on exact date i got it. but i really only used it for 1 month cause of socal heat, i normally grow outdoors but at the time i had money so i thought i might as well make an investment. about the duct fan its alright i guess, i should have just...
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    Help with closet setup

    sorry thought youngmaf89 was asking for advice on what equipment to use, from my experience 400w too much if just starting for a few plants unless he/she want a really big yield and can let them grow big.
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    Help with closet setup

    you should really read other posts, i wouldnt use a 400w for a few plants like you say. maybe a 250w cause 400w is really gonna cause a lot of heat you dont want or need.
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    duct fan suggestions?

    i should get my duct fan from htg suppply today so i will let you know, i ordered there 4". i also have their 400 watt ballast kit wich is in good working condition even though i havent used it much.
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    How much this time around?

    thats a really nice grow, what kind of light are you using? only problem i see is too many plants with not enough room for light to get through to the bottom branches.
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    plant for decoration??

    i know what that feels like, i picked up growing as a hobby nothing else since i dont somke. i would also like something really nice growing in my room or if i ever buy my own house something in my living room. seriously if you cant trust the ppl you let in ur house then whats the point of even...