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  1. M

    Slow growth wk 7 flower

    It’s banana kush. Should I just pull it?
  2. M

    Stunted growth

    In coco, house of green , under hps & Es 300v2
  3. M

    Slow growth wk 7 flower

    Growth has slowed even stopped and the buds look small and stunted . I thought they would have thickened out by now. Any ideas
  4. M

    Stunted growth

    These have all stopped growing and it’s like they are stunted. They seem really small. It’s day 48 of flower. Any ideas
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    Harvest Day!

    Super Critical ! My best plant so far!! Can’t wait to see how much it is once dry
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    Day 39 of flower

    Thanks for all your help. Getting ready for harvest
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    Day 39 of flower

    My Moby has been stunted for a few weeks. And under canopy dead any suggestions?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I’ve been putting straight into shot glasses of water. 9/10 had split within 24-48hrs. It’s now 7 weeks later ... they are growing nicely
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    Auto kush

    I’ve never grown autos before but I was given some extra seeds with my order from Seedsman so I thought I’d try them. Funnily only 1 germinated but I grew it anyway. I’m 2 months in from seed. I was expecting it to be much bigger buds by now?? Not sure if it’s even worth continuing? Can anyone...
  10. M


    Leave it!! I defoliate too early when I first started. Majorly slows the growth. Plant goes into shock! I’ve now learnt the hard way!