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  1. smokemdown

    Organic Soil /Methods Q&A

    I got some Expert Garderner Organic potting mix NPK .o6-.09-.06 Contains: Tirkey litter, Hydrolyzed feathermeal, reed-sedge peat, composted forest products, and/or composted rics hulls, canadian sphagnum peat moss, horticulture perlit,grounds dolomite limestone, organic fertilizer and wetting...
  2. smokemdown

    My plan for Soil mixture. What do you think?

    Be careful with that Miracle grow.. Used it twice.. Got bugs twice.. fungus Gnats to be exact.. I reccomend if you already have the stuf to freez it good before using it.. It should kill a lot of the little fuckers.. Then get a hot shot air bug killer from Home Depot.. They'll eat at your babies...
  3. smokemdown

    Ionic nutes

    I got some Expert Garderner Organic potting mix NPK .o6-.09-.06 Contains: Tirkey litter, Hydrolyzed feathermeal, reed-sedge peat, composted forest products, and/or composted rics hulls, canadian sphagnum peat moss, horticulture perlit,grounds dolomite limestone, organic fertilizer and wetting...
  4. smokemdown

    Ionic nutes

    I have a few ladies flowering now.. They've been in MG organic indoor for a while now with little problems.. I add a touch of saline solution for boron.. A touch of hydrogen peroxide for umm.. Still figuring that out I have since stopped using that.. and some epsom salts.. I started using Ionic...
  5. smokemdown

    Ordered 48 seeds from for $49 US

    Let us knowhow these turn out.. Checked out the site and the sale is still going on.. Where did you order these to?? US??
  6. smokemdown

    Ionic nutes

    I just picked up some Ionic Grow and Bloom for soil.. Says it's organic so i'm gonna give it a try.. My question is whats a good soil to use it in.. I think it should have everything i need so can I just use some topsoil mixed with vermiculite? I just made my own version of the supersoil.. Will...
  7. smokemdown

    Nagano Gold anyone?

  8. smokemdown

    Nagano Gold anyone?

    So i've been looking fo a strain called Monkey Paw for years now.. I've realized i won't find it named that anymore.. But I came across a discription for Nagano Gold.. It says you'll find more pinks and purples then gold on this one.. That's exactly how i remember the Paw.. Has anyone grown this...
  9. smokemdown

    8 Days into Flowering!

    Is there a thread for these "oils" you speak of? I'd like to know how to use my males up this season..
  10. smokemdown

    ACID or Shrooms

    Shrooms are a lot more spiritual then lsd.. I think both have there place.. Some mushrooms are a lot more intense then acid.. And acid, if it's clean, is always the same.. So if you are just trying to get fucked up i'd go with acid.. But shrooms make for a better experience once you know whats...
  11. smokemdown

    Best place to drop acid?

    I've created a trippers paradise at my pad.. We got lasers, lights, HD projection, PA soundsystem, color changing fiber optic floating ceiling w/ collor changing rope lights around, fiber optic changing tabletops, lazboys and not one clock.. Last summer we partied in there for weeks on end...
  12. smokemdown

    Will the real LSD-25 stand up? ! ?

    Around here it's a phone call away.. I may have to wait a day or two but it's around.. I'm sure it's not a RC or anything else for that matter.. We used to buy it in liquid but it was too hard to dose correctly.. We tend to get the amber colored jellies.. The paper is good too tho.. All running...
  13. smokemdown

    White Widow VS Bag seed

    This has got me interested.. Where could the bagseed come from? Some mexican brick with a lot of seeds or some chronic that may have had one in it? It's be nice to see that you can find good genetics from bagseed.
  14. smokemdown

    Need some help building my organic soil please..

    I looked to make the super soil and couldn't find everything seperate.. So i got some things with it all in it.. Is there anybody with any ideas on how to mix this stuf??
  15. smokemdown

    Need some help building my organic soil please..

    I picked up some things at the store today and I nee some help making sure i am on te right path.. also I need to know in what ratios to mix all this stuff at.. I got some Expert Garderner Organic potting mix NPK .o6-.09-.06 Contains: Tirkey litter, Hydrolyzed feathermeal, reed-sedge peat...
  16. smokemdown

    Is anyone old enough to remember

    If monkey paw is still around the Detroit area.. I'll almost give that guy a house for some of those seeds...