8 Days into Flowering!


Well-Known Member
Well, my Carnival and " Special G " is at eight days flowering now.

I can just taste the sweetness of the buds already!

Seven moe weeks and then at least 4 to 6 for drying and curing and I will be making medicine.

Little buds as you can see, have already started to manifest.

Be Blessed, Reverand, TheNatural



Well-Known Member

Wrong picture as that is indeed a male starting.

Thanks friend as I may not have noticed the picture.

Be Blessed, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
I was gonna say the exact same thing when I saw that pic. haha.

Are you gonna take the pollen and make some seeds?


Well-Known Member
No, no seeds my friend.

I will be using the ones I just took out yesterday to make some essential oil.

Be Blessed, Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
Well, it seemed that five out of my fifteen " Special G " has shown to be male.

Not counting a few that I took down early to make oils, I now have 11 total to finish this grow " six Special G and five feminized Carnival Strain. "

Males will be used to make more oils and now the girls can finish their job!

My largest girl is less than 70 days old and already 46 inches tall and just nine days into flower as of today.

The largest girl is a " Special G " and is one of the more perfect plants that I have seen in a while.

The way she has done her budsites from the beggining, has shown that her genetics are worth keeping and I have a feeling she will produce some sticky buds for sure.

I love growing in beds and they really start to put on some size in these beds during flowering.

Be Blessed, Rev. TheNatural



Active Member
Well, it seemed that five out of my fifteen " Special G " has shown to be male.

Not counting a few that I took down early to make oils, I now have 11 total to finish this grow " six Special G and five feminized Carnival Strain. "

Males will be used to make more oils and now the girls can finish their job!

My largest girl is less than 70 days old and already 46 inches tall and just nine days into flower as of today.

The largest girl is a " Special G " and is one of the more perfect plants that I have seen in a while.

The way she has done her budsites from the beggining, has shown that her genetics are worth keeping and I have a feeling she will produce some sticky buds for sure.

I love growing in beds and they really start to put on some size in these beds during flowering.

Be Blessed, Rev. TheNatural
Is there a thread for these "oils" you speak of? I'd like to know how to use my males up this season..


Well-Known Member
I do not know of a thread?

I make essential oils from many different Herbs and Flowers.

Be Blessed, Rev. TheNatural


Well-Known Member
Yes thats much better. Congrats let us know how that carnival is what kinda strain is that anyway??


Well-Known Member
Yes thats much better. Congrats let us know how that carnival is what kinda strain is that anyway??

Carnaval Strain, was supposed to be developed by " ministryofcannabis.com. "

I usually grow my own specail blend " if you will, " but the guys above were very courteous and pros to deal with.

The seeds arrived in 8 days and all five feminized seeds germinated and are doing well.

This is supposed to be a very potent strain and 80% Sativa with supposedly " 23% T.H.C. content? "

I only have found one other person that has grown it for medicinal.
However, they only cook with it, but say " it will really spin you around and really potent. "

I will find out myself soon and I use it for; " smoke, oil and eats. "

If it is stronger than my Special G, I will be pleased and also " very much in contact with the Spirit World, LOL! "

Be Blessed, Reverand. TheNatural