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  1. D

    Questions About Lighting

    oh well too late im gonna go buy some lights now... two 40 watt cfls and a fixture for them.
  2. D

    My very first grow/CFL grow

    use a space blanket. staple it to the cardboard evenly and then put it around there. thats actually what i did =]
  3. D

    Questions About Lighting

    Ok Ok so can somebody tell me what kind of lighting i should get and how cheap it would be? I have like 50 seeds and I'm not going to let them go to waste lol.
  4. D

    Questions About Lighting

    Well if I can just get the seeds to start... I was planning on going and buying a fixture and two 40 watt CFLs. Would that be good enough for a space that is about 2 ft x 1ft? Also, the walls are covered in space blanket to improve the lighting lol. hope that works.
  5. D

    Questions About Lighting

    Ok so I'm new here and I have some questions... I'm 16 and i have like 4 plants growing in my closet at home. They are well hidden but I just planted them yesterday in some pots with Miracle Grow potting soil and I stole a 20 Watt cfl from the bathroom and put it in a table lamp, which is...
  6. D

    i NEED a way to get promenthizine and codiene.... HELP ME PLEASE

    hm well Codeine is derived from opium... go buy a bottle of MrCormick poppy seeds and plant some. =] And yes those are opium poppy seeds... not a lot of people know that lol. Then look up how to get codeine out of opium cuz I have no fucking clue.