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  1. S

    problem with unis co2 controller

    hello guys. i just bougth unis co2 controller like this and have one simple question maybe you can help. i wrote to producers but nothing from them. in instruction i found that its very simple just set and forget as they say. just enter the volume of room...
  2. S

    WTF? help please babies are dying

    but last time i had the same issue,but EC was 1.0, and they die, ph is about 5,8 ,im using canna ph down to correct the ph, and i have to correct ph every two three days, i just add a little till its go down to 5.6 ,5.5, how could this be ph burn ? well i will try to feed them distilled water...
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    WTF? help please babies are dying

    hello guys anybody had this problem?its third time im having this problem with seeds,(never had this with clones) older leaves are curling and turning brown.and a little bit yealowing from inside, i dont thing that its a nute burn i just dont know, humiditi 60%,temp 22-23c,ph 5,8 -6, using...
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    need some help from profesionals,babies looking bad

    i also think that i'm doing right but i dont like that dropy leave tips. i want to give as much oxygen to the roots as possible because i just dont know what else to do,i heard that adding a hydrogen peroxide(food grade) in res should increase oxygen levels is it true? and maby somekwone knows...
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    need some help from profesionals,babies looking bad

    yes id had this problem before and i know when those afected leaves became all brown,then the upper set of leaves begin doing so,and then the grow stops. i though also that i should do ec about 1,5 . becaouse they are a little like pale green. just afraid of overfeed them, im using hydro canna...
  6. S

    need some help from profesionals,babies looking bad

    hello the second time im having this problem and just can't fix it,ill be thankful for any help. well the problem is that the leaves of babies are starting to dry out or something, it starting at the tips of the older leaves and going in. im runing aero, water cycles 10/40 on/off...
  7. S

    need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin

    thanks alot man, tomorrow ill go buy things that i need. i still want to ask .. why change water so often ? is that little poor bastard going to use all nutrients in the bucket?. and attaching the picture how i understant you .as i understant there going to be no litle bucket in the midle,and...
  8. S

    need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin

    thank man, as i understand you suggesting to use deep water culture? im not very good in english, so as i understant i take one plant out of the bucket and put him to the bucket full of water (ph'ed) and put air stone in that bucket? i have an air stone in my reservuar but i see that bubles...
  9. S

    need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin

    shit is this realy could be of to little oxygen ? im runing my ventilation very very slow because it suck out the humidyti,but my room is quite big, could they use that air that quick. fuc... never thougt of that, could they stop growin of lack of air? thanks alot
  10. S

    need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin

    did anyone had that problem? i havent found anywhere problem like mine and dont know what to do. the girls stoped growin. a week already and no progres . leaves have some bright spots and at the tips are brown like mold or something and curling.i cut off some lower leaves that has that spots but...
  11. S

    need quick help with seedling plese

    here are some more pics of my problem,(leaves down,stop growin)
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    need quick help with seedling plese

    i do more foto later today ,anyway thanks guys
  13. S

    need quick help with seedling plese

    lights are about 15 cm ower the tops , should i put more closer ?
  14. S

    need quick help with seedling plese

    i tryed to give only water at first time but was the same, they just stop growing at that point when first true leaves apears, i ruin hundred seeds and still cant get ower seedling stage, only few roots comes out of tha biger rockwool cube ant stops growin :( maybe its like you said for...
  15. S

    need quick help with seedling plese

    is it posible to save these littles ones? maby not give them anything for few for few days ?
  16. S

    need quick help with seedling plese
