need HELP babies are dying. completely stop growin


Active Member
did anyone had that problem? i havent found anywhere problem like mine and dont know what to do. the girls stoped growin. a week already and no progres . leaves have some bright spots and at the tips are brown like mold or something and curling.i cut off some lower leaves that has that spots but they starting to appear on second set of leaves at the tips. i cut those tips those dead areas of leaves but dont know what to do to help them. ph about 6 but is changing almost every day,but i add a little dose of ph down and try to keep about 5.8, but some days ago was 6.5, temp 19-26C, EC 1.2, nutrients canna vega,rhizotonic,canna zym. feeding 3 times a day on top feed hydroponic,pump on about 5 minutes.,and the color is not very green like has to be,pale green to yelow or something like that,they just stoped growin... is it possible to save these girls ?? whats wrong with them?



Active Member
Looks like POSSIBLY to much water or not enough oxygen. Waterlogged. I might be wrong but seen this exactly before and that's what I experienced. Hope this helps.


Active Member
thats what i feel also, your plants could be suffering from lack of air and to much water, i see your going hydro, slow down the flow of water and see if that helps, try using only one plant to see results.


Active Member
shit is this realy could be of to little oxygen ? im runing my ventilation very very slow because it suck out the humidyti,but my room is quite big, could they use that air that quick. fuc... never thougt of that, could they stop growin of lack of air? thanks alot


Active Member
shit is this realy could be of to little oxygen ? im runing my ventilation very very slow because it suck out the humidyti,but my room is quite big, could they use that air that quick. fuc... never thougt of that, could they stop growin of lack of air? thanks alot
Yes, even though a plant does breath through its leafs, it also needs a lot of oxygen to its roots. I think your plant is suffering from oxygen deprivation to the roots (and if it is the case lucky for you it’s a easy fix). From what I can see in your pictures, your potting media seems to be better suited for vegetables that require a lot of water because of the fruit they bare. Seems to hold lots of water but leave little space for oxygen to the roots.

I have a suggestion that may just save your plants, and just might have them explode in growth, if your interested. Plus it wont cost you more than $10 to implement it. What you will need is a cheap aquarium air pump ($5) Airstone (about $1.50) and air hose (around $3 for about 10ft which is more than enough) which can all be purchased in any pet shop. You will also need one of those inexpensive white Styrofoam ice boxes (I found one for about $3 which isn’t the cheapest but it does the job very nicely). We will also need a small tub but I am assuming you may have one of those lying around (I’m using the bottom half of my Hydrofarm Seedling tray, a Tupperware container will work too as long as its about 2 inches deep and can hold about a gallon of water)

With that in hand this is the plan, you are going to transplant one of your plants. And see if this helps.

Take one plant VERY CAREFULLY out of the pot you are raising it in, rinse the rocks out of the root ball by rinsing the roots in a tub of ph adjusted water. Take your time with this, light to the roots is not as bad as ripping out lots of life giving roots from your plant.

Next take the lid of your ice box and cut a hole big enough to carefully string through your roots, cut a plug near the size of your hole and while holding your roots below the hole carefully push the plug snuggly into the hole, holding the plant above the foam sheet (for lack of better words). Now fill your tub with ph adjusted water and place your airstone DIRECTLY underneath where you will be floating your plant. Turn on pump, drop your floating plant in and BAM! Instant bubble-ponic type system, cheap too!

Your plants will be floating on nothing but water and oxygen (and any nutrients you give them of course). I have seen plants in a setup like this grow as much as 3 inches a day!

The Pros of this system is that it promotes rapid root growth which translates to rapid plant growth. Plus you won’t get nearly as much buildup of salts, thanks to no media or surface near the roots to collect salts, so you won’t need to flush. Cons are that you need to change the water from your tub every 2 to 3 days (wouldn’t let it get past 4 days without changing) and you will need to test your ppm and ph at least once a day if you don’t already do that. Other than that it works awesome!

You can still grow them in your drip system but I personally would use Hydroton in your pots, the gaps in between rocks are bigger and allow for air to flow in between your root structures better. You can even use the floating method in conjunction with your drip system. Raise them on your float system and wait till they are about 4 inches tall before removing them from your floating grow system, then move them back to your drip system with Hydroton. Works for me, very very well!

Going through 80 seeds and experimenting on all kinds of stuff I have run the gamut of plant problems and learned a lot through my mistakes. One thing I learned was that over watering is such a big problem because of the LACK of oxygen in most water. Make sure air gets to those roots and you will be fine.

Hope this wasn’t to wordy or complicated to follow. Hope it helps too, love plants and wouldn’t want them to die unnecessarily.

Goodluck and keep me posted. Thanks.


Active Member
Yes, even though a plant does breath through its leafs, it also needs a lot of oxygen to its roots. I think your plant is suffering from oxygen deprivation to the roots (and if it is the case lucky for you it’s a easy fix). From what I can see in your pictures, your potting media seems to be better suited for vegetables that require a lot of water because of the fruit they bare. Seems to hold lots of water but leave little space for oxygen to the roots.

I have a suggestion that may just save your plants, and just might have them explode in growth, if your interested. Plus it wont cost you more than $10 to implement it. What you will need is a cheap aquarium air pump ($5) Airstone (about $1.50) and air hose (around $3 for about 10ft which is more than enough) which can all be purchased in any pet shop. You will also need one of those inexpensive white Styrofoam ice boxes (I found one for about $3 which isn’t the cheapest but it does the job very nicely). We will also need a small tub but I am assuming you may have one of those lying around (I’m using the bottom half of my Hydrofarm Seedling tray, a Tupperware container will work too as long as its about 2 inches deep and can hold about a gallon of water)

With that in hand this is the plan, you are going to transplant one of your plants. And see if this helps.

Take one plant VERY CAREFULLY out of the pot you are raising it in, rinse the rocks out of the root ball by rinsing the roots in a tub of ph adjusted water. Take your time with this, light to the roots is not as bad as ripping out lots of life giving roots from your plant.

Next take the lid of your ice box and cut a hole big enough to carefully string through your roots, cut a plug near the size of your hole and while holding your roots below the hole carefully push the plug snuggly into the hole, holding the plant above the foam sheet (for lack of better words). Now fill your tub with ph adjusted water and place your airstone DIRECTLY underneath where you will be floating your plant. Turn on pump, drop your floating plant in and BAM! Instant bubble-ponic type system, cheap too!

Your plants will be floating on nothing but water and oxygen (and any nutrients you give them of course). I have seen plants in a setup like this grow as much as 3 inches a day!

The Pros of this system is that it promotes rapid root growth which translates to rapid plant growth. Plus you won’t get nearly as much buildup of salts, thanks to no media or surface near the roots to collect salts, so you won’t need to flush. Cons are that you need to change the water from your tub every 2 to 3 days (wouldn’t let it get past 4 days without changing) and you will need to test your ppm and ph at least once a day if you don’t already do that. Other than that it works awesome!

You can still grow them in your drip system but I personally would use Hydroton in your pots, the gaps in between rocks are bigger and allow for air to flow in between your root structures better. You can even use the floating method in conjunction with your drip system. Raise them on your float system and wait till they are about 4 inches tall before removing them from your floating grow system, then move them back to your drip system with Hydroton. Works for me, very very well!

Going through 80 seeds and experimenting on all kinds of stuff I have run the gamut of plant problems and learned a lot through my mistakes. One thing I learned was that over watering is such a big problem because of the LACK of oxygen in most water. Make sure air gets to those roots and you will be fine.

Hope this wasn’t to wordy or complicated to follow. Hope it helps too, love plants and wouldn’t want them to die unnecessarily.

Goodluck and keep me posted. Thanks.

thank man, as i understand you suggesting to use deep water culture? im not very good in english, so as i understant i take one plant out of the bucket and put him to the bucket full of water (ph'ed) and put air stone in that bucket? i have an air stone in my reservuar but i see that bubles are not helping them. so if i understand corretly the roots will be flooded with water all the time and the air stone underneath the roots makink bubles for roots ? weel i will try this because they are still dying as i increased ventilation and put oscilating fan in the room...... thanks for helping man, is this is what you are talking abaut (picture)



Active Member
thank man, as i understand you suggesting to use deep water culture? im not very good in english, so as i understant i take one plant out of the bucket and put him to the bucket full of water (ph'ed) and put air stone in that bucket? i have an air stone in my reservuar but i see that bubles are not helping them. so if i understand corretly the roots will be flooded with water all the time and the air stone underneath the roots makink bubles for roots ? weel i will try this because they are still dying as i increased ventilation and put oscilating fan in the room...... thanks for helping man, is this is what you are talking abaut (picture)
Yes, I have used deep water culture for mine and they are growing fast and healthy. Then I switched to Ebb and Flow system after they where a week old. That bucket looks like it, but I suggest the cheap inexpensive route and buy yourself a styrofoam ice box because this method may not be for you.

Anyways, below should be a picture of what I mean. You should be able to find them anywhere, like a 99 cent store or Walmart for cheap. Take the lid, poke a hole big enough for you to thread the roots through. Make a plug of styrafoam and cork it to hold the plant in place. Put your airstone under water where the plant is going to float over. Set the lid on the water and watch it grow. Works pefect for me! Hope this works for you ( I am sure it will)

Also about the air thing, I didnt mean the oxygen in the room you have her in, one fan is usually enough. I ment that they are not getting enough air to the roots.

Keep me posted. If you need more help Ill try to take pics for you to explain what to do. Thanks.


Active Member
Yes, I have used deep water culture for mine and they are growing fast and healthy. Then I switched to Ebb and Flow system after they where a week old. That bucket looks like it, but I suggest the cheap inexpensive route and buy yourself a styrofoam ice box because this method may not be for you.

Anyways, below should be a picture of what I mean. You should be able to find them anywhere, like a 99 cent store or Walmart for cheap. Take the lid, poke a hole big enough for you to thread the roots through. Make a plug of styrafoam and cork it to hold the plant in place. Put your airstone under water where the plant is going to float over. Set the lid on the water and watch it grow. Works pefect for me! Hope this works for you ( I am sure it will)

Also about the air thing, I didnt mean the oxygen in the room you have her in, one fan is usually enough. I ment that they are not getting enough air to the roots.

Keep me posted. If you need more help Ill try to take pics for you to explain what to do. Thanks.
thanks alot man, tomorrow ill go buy things that i need. i still want to ask .. why change water so often ? is that little poor bastard going to use all nutrients in the bucket?. and attaching the picture how i understant you .as i understant there going to be no litle bucket in the midle,and there is going to be no air gap betvween the lid and water?. (picture) black is bubler,blue airstone,white is foam.,and do i need timer for bubler or leave it on for all the time? thanks in advance.



Active Member
thanks alot man, tomorrow ill go buy things that i need. i still want to ask .. why change water so often ? is that little poor bastard going to use all nutrients in the bucket?. and attaching the picture how i understant you .as i understant there going to be no litle bucket in the midle,and there is going to be no air gap betvween the lid and water?. (picture) black is bubler,blue airstone,white is foam.,and do i need timer for bubler or leave it on for all the time? thanks in advance.

Yes exactly. There will be no space (or air) between the plants roots and the water. Otherwise it would be a Aeroponic system you are building instead of a deep water culture system. The whole plant should be floating on the solution with help of the foam. As for changing the water. I change it as often as every 3 days because I am using a tray that only holds 1 gallon of water. If you are intending to use a bucket that holds about 5 gallons I am sure you can get away with changing the water every weekend. And as for the airstone, yes I leave it on ALL the time. Doing so I see them growing VERY quick in a matter of days. Take some new pictures for me when you go out to get your supplies. Will be here to help if needed. Thanks.