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  1. iToke09

    Where could I bring my buds to dry?

    Crazy enough to work my friend. Like in your back yard, just bury the box, and if its good enough nobody will ever know! if its obviously you have buried something you could cover the top with something, and i dont know what. Like if i was to do it, i would bury it in the back of my yard...
  2. iToke09

    Can you "micro sex"/"early sexing"?... High rez. close-up pics inside!..

    Hey wolfman, dude. Dont mean to sound funny or anything but how the hell do you get pics that come out that good! Everytime i try to get a close pic like that i get a shitty ass blurry pic every time, even with great cameras i borrow from friends. I guess i just haven't got that paperazzi...
  3. iToke09

    12/12 start to finish?

    Hey yea im going to try this aswell, just as a lil personal experiment with two plants. Il grow one under 12/12 and veg one for 2 weeks then 12/12. Il see how much longer it take to see signs of sex..ect.
  4. iToke09

    12/12 start to finish?

    Wow, learn something every day! :bigjoint:
  5. iToke09

    Marijuana Growers Guide by Mel Frank.

    AHA! now i have you, you have to do as i say! everybody MUST +rep me. For every 1 person who doesn't, im going to kill 1 kitten! lol not really, im not THAT evil. This thread is really about a book, a book so cool i had to share it with you guys/girls. I was given a copy by a close friend...
  6. iToke09

    12/12 start to finish?

    Na you shouldn't have a problem, how many plants??? it would be better to use a halide bulb for its blue spectrum, you will get a better rate of photosynthesis. However i have used HPS many times for vegging and never had a problem. ;-)
  7. iToke09

    12/12 start to finish?

    Yes it would work. It all depends on the conditions and strain of the plant till you see signs of sex, i havent done it before so i wouldn't know the exact time, but i would of thought about 3 weeks?. The only drawbacks i can think of is it will not yeild as much as a plant that has been...
  8. iToke09

    Where could I bring my buds to dry?

    Maybe you can dry them out in a cardboard box, and bury the box in a hole outside?? just a thought.
  9. iToke09

    West+ SOIL????

    I was going to wait for summer and get a couple of autos in my garden, but we have had such good weather for the past couple of days, i HAD to get some more blue cheese in soil! I havent got no soil yet, apart from this West+ stuff, that absorbs and holds ur water and feeds slowly which im...
  10. iToke09

    low temps lead to slow growth?

    You could reduce the intake a lil to increase the heat by covering the fan with like an old shitty cloth with holes in (if you have like an extractor fan), my fan is right next to my window, so i can open it more and close it to alter the temp.
  11. iToke09

    Grass to green

    Blue cheese, Pics from google. Very nice however lol
  12. iToke09

    Grass to green

    Lol thanks. sorry for looking like an idiot. Im unemployed and seriously need money! So im kinda vulnerable where money is concerned.
  13. iToke09

    Grass to green

    could i do it from the UK?
  14. iToke09

    Grass to green

    Anybody here done this?
  15. iToke09

    is this ready?????????????

    Ye you could harvest now if you wanted too, but personally i would give it another week or something.
  16. iToke09

    low temps lead to slow growth?

    Plant growth is closely related to temperature. Marijuana varieties are, in general adapted to warm if not hot climates. Different varieties will reach their maximum rate of photosynthesis at different temperatures. For almost all marijuana varieties, the rate of photosynthesis will...
  17. iToke09

    Fat Chicks WTF

    Man, i love me a fat bitch. More cusion for the pushin!
  18. iToke09

    1000watt hps vs. 220 watt CFL ROFL

    i really hate getting invovled in stupid arguments.. and i dont know the kind of facts about light that 1982grower was talking about, but in all honesty i would much rather trust someone like 1982 that a pathetic numpty racist. It was a very interesting read however, made me go into research on...
  19. iToke09

    1000watt hps vs. 220 watt CFL ROFL

    ahahahaha i dont know if its because im stoned but that was funny as hell
  20. iToke09

    To smoke or not to smoke???????

    i know a guy who smoked mould, after the first week he woke up with mould growing out of his toe nails and his lungs exploded!! Na im just playing. The first ever time i grew skunk, I lost about half my crop to mould, because i hung it up 2 dry in a stupid ass humid place. I was so tempted to...