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  1. hey jude

    Is this ready to Harvest ? Trichomes images

    looks good (not advice lol im clearly noob), have you noticed an increase in size in these couple weeks?
  2. hey jude

    Fan Leaves

    Could you explain extraction process?
  3. hey jude

    My plant is leaning at almost 90º wtf

    Haha maybe @mrmojorisin345 has just discovered auto LST genetics! But yeah a lil handful of soil to top up could help the toothpick situation, that being said ive grown like 4 plants so
  4. hey jude

    My plant is leaning at almost 90º wtf

    ...clearly wants some stress training :D
  5. hey jude

    Is this ready to Harvest ? Trichomes images

    :wall: :shock: My dumbass just harvested buds that looked like this... so sad rn @WolfGrows could you take pics in 2wks when you harvest so i can learn to not be an impatient stoner?
  6. hey jude

    Natural Cannabis Death Cycle. (An imperfect test)

    Hows the clones coming? any updates? Im very interested, will be forever lurking
  7. hey jude

    Flush or not to flush, that is the question

    Anyone know of any other experiments with flushing similar to the RX green one? Would be good to see it replicated
  8. hey jude

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So im a noob and too lazy to research, will ordering seeds online get me in trouble?
  9. hey jude

    Curiosity with harvest

    Wow perfect, thanks! This site is awesome
  10. hey jude

    Curiosity with harvest

    Thanks, will search around with ya :D
  11. hey jude

    Curiosity with harvest

    Hello people, was just wondering if anyone has flowered until death out there??? How'd it go? whats some tell tale signs of its 'death'? What happens to the trichomes/potency (assuming you tried the dead stuff)? how long did it take to get to that stage? what did the buds look like? etc etc...