Curiosity with harvest

hey jude

Hello people, was just wondering if anyone has flowered until death out there??? How'd it go? whats some tell tale signs of its 'death'? What happens to the trichomes/potency (assuming you tried the dead stuff)? how long did it take to get to that stage? what did the buds look like? etc etc

Might be an obvious 'it turns brown' sort of answer but im more interested in the timing of this, and the associated observations during doing this. Ultimately wanted to try this out for myself; not harvesting a plant for like 20wk or something ridiculous until the plant is 100% not gonna grow, but buds>science atm for me lol, so if curious to know if anyones done it before i purposely produce crap aha :)

There was a thread last week about this very subject, if I can find it I'll come back and post a link
