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  1. N

    Any remedies for this issue?

    Ok mate will double check cheers
  2. N

    Any remedies for this issue?

    No idea of ppm mate but ph about 6.5
  3. N

    Any remedies for this issue?

    Speed+ auto in soil under 200w led humidity 45 temp 22c about 4 or 5 weeks from seed
  4. N

    Any remedies for this issue?

    Only getting this on one plant
  5. N

    Please help this didnt happen last time

    I'll maybe just hit them with a good dose of water then start them on 3-5-4 nutrients
  6. N

    Please help this didnt happen last time

    The fans are oscillating but do reckon having them blowing around the room instead of on the plants is better? Will move the fans and see if it helps thanks
  7. N

    Please help this didnt happen last time

    Sorry fans are right beside plants blowing on them
  8. N

    Please help this didnt happen last time

    Hi guys thanks for response. Using same soil as last time but might have started feed 24-8-16 a week earlier than last time. Seems just random on a few leaves. Humidity at about 45 is and temps about 22C. I have 3-5-4 nutes for flowering but thought it was too early for them?
  9. N

    Please help this didnt happen last time

    Speed+ and Amy 9oz both autos. Growing in soil. Very little headroom so LST very low. 200w actual draw blurple. Second auto grow in this box and didnt have these issues last time can anyone help?