Please help this didnt happen last time


New Member
Speed+ and Amy 9oz both autos. Growing in soil. Very little headroom so LST very low. 200w actual draw blurple. Second auto grow in this box and didnt have these issues last time can anyone help?20200923_211505.jpg20200923_211449.jpg


New Member
Hi guys thanks for response. Using same soil as last time but might have started feed 24-8-16 a week earlier than last time. Seems just random on a few leaves. Humidity at about 45 is and temps about 22C. I have 3-5-4 nutes for flowering but thought it was too early for them?


Well-Known Member
If the fans are blowing directly on those leaves strong enough it could be as simple as wind burn.. then you would only have to make sure the fans are either further or at a less power and not blowing directly on them. You can point the fan at the back wall behind the plant and it will circulate all over from there. That's best if your fan does not oscillate.


Well-Known Member
Dude thats a thing noone really mentions when they say "use a fan to blow the hot air from the leaves of the plant" and for whatever other reasons.
I had the same issues when i was starting. Didnt know if it was ph or anything else. Kerfuffle.
Dont let the fan hit em for more than 20 mins at a time.


New Member
The fans are oscillating but do reckon having them blowing around the room instead of on the plants is better? Will move the fans and see if it helps thanks

go go kid

Well-Known Member
it could be a litte nute burn from nutes in the old soil, just something to keep in mind,there could be hot spots within the soil.