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  1. D

    Is this a calmag deficiency? Can't figure it out.

    These clones are on day 14 since i put them in solo cups. Growing in Promix HP with added perlite. Fed them floraflex nutrients in ro water for a total of 300 ppm(150 ppm calmag + 40 ppm silica + 110 nutrients) for the first week and 4-700 ppm the second week(always 150 ppm calmag) . Temps are...
  2. D

    Is this normal growth? Herm?

    This plant is on day 38 of flower. I've noticed the growth on this one looks different from the other 3 i have going. I've read things about the genetics i have not being great and having a tendency to herm so i'm super worried about it now
  3. D

    My PH has been off, how do i fix it?

    okay great, thanks for the advice. that gives me somewhere to go from here. i will dim the lights when i feed them tonight! do you know when i should go about increasing the lux/ec? they just finished week 5 today and they have been in 3 gallons for about a week, will upgrade to 5 when they are...
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    My PH has been off, how do i fix it?

    Oh wow i've always heard 40k for veg and 60k for flower from most of the guides out there
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    My PH has been off, how do i fix it?

    I'm at day 36 and they're getting 690 PAR or around 30k Lux, i should be using less than that?
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    My PH has been off, how do i fix it?

    So i've been having all sorts of problems with my plants and decided to upgrade the cheap PH meter i had and found out it was way off. I have some nutrient solution that tests 6.4 on my old PH meter and tests 5.8 on my new one. So that would mean i've been feeding 5.7-6.1 in Happy Frog / perlite...
  7. D

    Potassium issue?

    These are on day 27 from sprout. Being grown currently in 1 gallon pots of 75% Fox Farms Happy Frog / 25% Perlite. Temps are 27c/80 with 60-65 RH in the day and 20c/68f 60-65 RH at night. They were given tap water left out for 24 hrs(around 300 ppm ph'ed to 6.5) since spout and a bacterial...
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    Orange spots at the end of leaves

    27/80f and 60rh during the day and 19c/66f 60rh at night
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    Orange spots at the end of leaves

    Today is day 15 on these from seed. I just transferred them from solo cups to 1 gallon pots yesterday. Growing in 75% Fox Farms Happy Frog and 25%. I posted last week about my leaves not looking right and about my soil runoff being crazy high(2500-4000ppm). I decided to flush them even though...
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    First grow - What is going on with these?

    I only used distilled water for the initial watering in the jiffy pellets and the first one after that. I've noticed that they go almost completely dry in a day or two, am i not watering enough? I was doing 50ml every other day until today when i flushed them. My plan was only to mix in a bit of...
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    First grow - What is going on with these?

    I just checked my runoff ppm and it was 2500 which seems crazy high and i'm guessing this was the issue
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    First grow - What is going on with these?

    Yeah multiple holes in the bottom. It was mostly just the first couple days, since then i've been feeling them and checking the weight
  13. D

    First grow - What is going on with these?

    I have been. i make sure they are dry to the second knuckle before i water them
  14. D

    First grow - What is going on with these?

    Today is day 6 since these sprouted. Planted in jiffy pellets and now growing in Fox Farms Happy Frog/Perlite with a little bit of coco. Temps have been 77f-80f with RH around 70. Qb's are 13k lux and around 30 inches away. First few days i was watering everyday with 20ml of distilled water and...