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    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    Ok thank you. I'd like to stay with a US seed bank if possible though. I'll look into them though!

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    I see, thank you all for the great tips and advice. I have no preference if autos or photoperiods. if you could recommend a photoperiod Sativa that would be great by the way!

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    I see, thank you. I might just go ahead and get the Durban Poison. I see it's a highly regarded strain. Is it a pure landrace strain or has it been crossbred do you know?

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    Wow, those looks absolutely amazing! Nice work. I can only wish mine to be that healthy, lol. I'm working on it. Thanks for the suggestion about Durban Poison. I was actually sort of leaning towards Lambs bread but I really can't find any U.S. seed banks that carry it. As a matter of fact...

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    Hi everyone. I am trying to decide on an easy autoflowering Sativa dominant strain. I am thinking of Durban Poison or Lamb's Breath. I would probably go with Lamb's Breath but prefer purchasing from a U.S. seed bank. I see CropKings has Lamb's Bread but they are based out of Canada. Durban...

    Just bought some KIS organics water only soil for Autoflower!

    Well, I guess it means, I tried amendments and had a horrible outcome, Tried fox farm nutes and burned my plants at 1/8th strength, etc... Now I have been focusing getting some life stuff situated, but I still have the desire to grow, but with limited effort right now. I really just need a...

    Just bought some KIS organics water only soil for Autoflower!

    I'm going to see how this soil works. I'm so sick of making mistakes, lol. I'm a very meticulous grower and the past little while it seems like I've had the most finicky grows ever. I'm just so very tired, lol. I'm going to be using Gelato for my test subject with this soil because it seems...

    Same problem every time need input please.

    Thanks for the reply's everyone. One change at a time. I'm just trying to figure out what I need to do to be more successful in future grows. I'll try raising PH first I think

    Same problem every time need input please.

    compost tea and amendments are worm castings seabird guano, kelp and molasses

    Same problem every time need input please.

    30% perlite, half FFOC, half Strawberry Fields, 3gallon pots, 6.1ph water, and I water about every four days. I try to wait until the plants are pretty dry but now they're sucking up more water so I'm watering them more. I have only fed them a few times with compost tea and top dressed the...

    Same problem every time need input please.

    Hi everyone, so this problem I'm having seems to be a common occurance. Everything is fine then all of a sudden the leaves hate life. I don't feed any bottled nutes, it's either amendments via top dressing or compost tea. any help would be appreciated if you could tell me what the problem here...

    Is this ripe and mellow yet?

    Thanks guys I appreciate the advice. Its my first auto flower grow ever and it ended up being tiny for some reason. it was a good experience though for sure.

    Is this ripe and mellow yet?

    Does this look about done? I only see a few pistils left.

    Does compost tea need to have bubbles on top?

    Going to go read now

    Does compost tea need to have bubbles on top?

    Thank you for the great info. I appreciate it!

    Does compost tea need to have bubbles on top?

    So I see that most people say at the end of brewing tea for plants it should have a significant amount of bubbles on top letting you know things are working down in the muck. Does tea need to have bubbles on top to be good?

    Is this ripe and mellow yet?

    A pound, hee hee!

    Is this ripe and mellow yet?

    Really? I thought for sure it would be good. Thanks for the advice. I'll wait a bit. Initiating sitting on my hands. It's going to be difficult though.

    Is this ripe and mellow yet?

    Hi everyone. I just have a question if this bud is ripe yet. It's a tiny plant. Thanks.

    Ph too high

    I think they look really good. I've seen some people like give more nitrogen than what's typically advised to plants in flower to keep as many fan leaves possible but yellowing is going to happen because it's putting all it's energy into the flowers/buds. Personally, I stick to the more common...